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  1. I have just re-read the letter I received today and noticed the following statement which has me confused... "Please note, in any case, we do not believe we are the creditor as envisaged by the above statute so will not require a payment of £1.00 to process such a request. Therefore, we return your payment of £1.00" Can someone enlighten me please
  2. So do you think it better just to supply the utility bill as apposed to putting the ball back in their court where they have already sent me sensitive documentation at this Address. They are still not provided proof this debt is mine or valid and they still do not know if they have the right person or not, surely it's down to them to prove the debt not me.
  3. Just a quick update... I sent off a request for a true CCA along with the £1 PO to Rockwell, today have received a letter directly from Arrow Global. The letter is asking me to confirm my Address as it differs from the information they have and have returned my PO, they can not therefore process my request under the Data Protection Act 1998. I can confirm by utility bill, etc... or I can phone them and tell them my Address history (muppets) Now its a pity they were not so diligent regarding the act when they sent me screen print outs of the said account. Now they have my Address, they have send enough letters to it lol. Any advice on the next stage? Regards Baden
  4. Rockwell are acting on behalf of Arrow Global who seem now to own the debt in question, not Cap 1.
  5. I am just drafting a SAR to Cap 1, should I make any contact to Rockwell as they have given me 14 days to repay the balance?
  6. It shows £5.28 for about five consecutive months during 2009
  7. The debt is on my credit file and is marked as defaulted as of May 2008, the statements they have sent which are just screen print outs, say the last payment of £5.28 was made July 2009. I do not recall making this payment or giving authorization, I have no way of checking as the payment would not have been in my name anyway, due to me not having a bank account.
  8. And this is directly to Cap 1 and not Arrow Global who now own the debt?
  9. Thank You for the advice, do I phone Cap 1 and request a SAR or via mail?
  10. I have attached as a PDF hope this helps, I do not know if there are any charges to the account. As stated the last payment according to Rockwell was in July 2009, I do not recall making this payment, my ex- partner may have been keeping up the payments without my knowledge. A long story but I did not have a bank account from 1997 until 2010 so any payments with or without my knowledge would not be in my name, I do not know if this is relevant? As far as I knew this was SB, but it is showing on my rating on Noodle.
  11. Attached is the CCA I received this morning, I have deleted the signature for obvious reasons
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