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Everything posted by PedigreePooch

  1. Excellent thanks. They must have evidence that these transactions were authorised if they are refusing refund. Just saying I've had loans in the past is not evidence in my eyes. I'll also contact the Police which I thought about doing anyway, I didn't think they would do anything other than give me a crime reference though. Thanks anyway.
  2. Even though the payment has already been made and I'm looking to get it back?
  3. Update. It seems since I wrote this, the situation has turned quite sinister. I have a sinking feeling my debit card has been cloned, I have since had 2 more transactions taken from my account, plus a deposit of £200. All from pay day loaners. I've cancelled my debit card due to fraud and had another issued. I've also gotten a refund for the Quickquid transactions. The bank then asked me to contact these other two companies, which I did and they had no record of me. (unsurprisingly) The deposit was from Express Loans (believe it or not) and made after the transactions from My Loans and Loans Express and I have since contacted and paid this money back. Now anyway, despite my bank refunding the transactions from Quickquid they are refusing the other two on the basis they are loan brokers. I've asked for a chargeback and they refused this, on the same grounds. The seem to think that because I did have a ligitimate loan with Quickquid, I used these brokers and a refusing the chargeback. They then said they cannot perform chargebacks on loan brokers anyway. Any advice?
  4. Hello I have a curious case here. At the beginning of December I stupidily applied for a £300 loan from Quickquid. Initial payment to be taken on the 20th December and final payment on the 25th January. A few days later I came to my senses and repaid the entire amount back, confirmed by a "paid off" contract on my Quickquid account. Recently I have been receiving letters from other companies stating that their bills have not been paid. I've checked my bank account and noticed that Quickquid have debited 2 payments from my account on the 9th January. I have since contacted Quickquid and confirmed there is another contract for a £300 loan that was alleged to be paid out to my account on the 20th December with a repayment date of the 9th January. Certainly no £300 was paid to my account and I have definitely not applied for a new loan. I have since contacted them but all I get is that I've applied for the loan and it must be paid, via the phone and their chat service. They are now all but refusing to deal with this, when I contact them direct again the phone call is ended or the chat is terminated after confirming my details. I have also contacted my bank in an attempt to get this money returned but they are refusing saying they are a loan company and it cannot be refunded. I am to call the bank again today after reading a thread on these forums again in an attempt get the payments returned. Which I'll update you with later. What else can I do as in my eyes this is highly dubious. A complaint will be sent to the FSO later tonight. Thanks in advance
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