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  1. Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure; I'll investigate. Although, I think I'd rather try it after exhausting all other avenues with the company(ies) direct.
  2. Hello, hopefully I have the right section. I'll try to be concise. I ordered goods from an online company (VISA debit, under £100) and when I recieved the parcel an item was missing. The company failed to respond to my e-mails and then replaced its website with a notice stating that it was going into liquidation (following a call-in of its debts) with certain parts of orders being fulfilled by other companies. The missing item was from one of the companies named. I contacted the relevant second company (which seems to have the same director as the company I ordered from) and after an initially promising exchange of correspondence, during which they were in contact with the remnants of the original company, they say that the original company 'haven't informed us that your order status is 'unfulfilled'. We do need them to provide this information as we can't send items out unless [they] confirm with us that they didn't ship. We can only fulfill unfulfilled orders (ie; orders never shipped) not parts missing from an order as we have no way to verify this ... ' Obviously I find this unsatisfactory. I would, therefore, greatly appreciate any thoughts on this; or assistance on what recourse I might have in terms of securing the supply of the missing goods or a refund. In effect, the simple question would be: which company do I approach (again!) and under the aegis of what legislation? Many thanks!
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