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  1. So does that mean that if they cannot trace the original owner then the log book comes back in my name and it's mine? Basically
  2. A vehicle can't just remain dumped surely peolpe can put a claim to it, finders keepers type thing, especially if nobody claims to owning it???
  3. Yeah think that's the best bet ... Also found this ... Best Answer Yes, if you stick to the following procedure: Transport the vehicle to a safe place, on private land. Inform the police that you have done so, giving your name, address and phone number, the registration number and V.I.N. of the vehicle, and the current location of the vehicle. Contact the D.V.L.A. with the same information. (The police and the D.V.L.A. will then attempt to find the registered keeper). If the registered keeper cannot be traced after 30 days, you can legally apply for a V5 in your own name. Source(s): Been there, done it. Answer by Nightwrath 5 years ago Report Abuse 100% 1 Vote
  4. That's my worry the theft bit...... There has to be a a way to gain legal ownership ie if somebody had died and had no relatives, it happens ? If you take every step to trace them, solicitors etc. then what?
  5. Sorry for shouting , just wanted good advice, my apologies to anyone
  6. Do you actually know how to go about claiming the vehicle or not? I am seeking advice on the matter, not you can't do this you can't do that. I am hoping for informed advice has to how I can proceed
  7. My initial post said can anybody WHO KNOWS HOW TO LEGALLY DO IT.... So far somebody has said you can't obtain a log book without the keeper signing it, wrong you can if it's been lost they contact the owner who's on the dvla records first. You find a watch in the street hand it into a police station if not claimed its yours, you find a piece of land fence it off , after a certain amount of time it's yours. You find a dog , you taje it to a shelter, if nobody claims it it's yours ...... HOW DOES IT WORK WITH A VEHICLE ?
  8. Just to clarify !!!!! If I get the owners details and contact him about buying the car and get no response or cannot be traced.... How do I go about legally acquiring the vehicle .......it's covered in dust and is out of tax by 8 months and has definately been left for dead..... But I would like it!!!!!
  9. I am actually trying to contact the owner to buy the car if the owner is still around, ie not dead
  10. You can apply for a log book hence the dvla contact the previous keeper
  11. This is a question for anyone with information on the following scenario . I have noticed a car, all tyres are flat , tax expired back in July and has been sat in a car park for at least 7 months. My question is , if I contact the dvla to put the log book in my name and the owner does not respond can I claim the vehicle if the log book v5 comes back in my name? I have hpi on the vehicle and it's not stolen or anything like this. It's obvious it's been left there to rot, and if I can get the v5 in my name after trying to contact the previous owner, as the dvla have done, then can I remove it obviously with the car park owners permission . If you have SOLID and GUARANTEED advice please let me know as I don't want to break the laws Thankyou
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