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Everything posted by maria1983

  1. Hi Thanks so much for the quick replies! I have just ordered my credit files to check whats on them, i hope that they haven't registered anything against me. I was getting a lot of answerphone messages, emails and texts from Lowell prior to this but I just ignored them to be honest. I have no idea how they got my contact details! They were referring to letters they had sent me but as I had moved I didn't know what they were talking about and when they called my mobile I refused to give them my new address so I guess they tracked me down via the electorol roll. With regards to the actual debt, i think it is an overdraft from Natwest. To cut a long story short, I worked for Natwest and when I left i emptied my account and cancelled the overdraft and opened a new one elsewhere. Natwest said they had overpaid me in my last wage which i disputed and I remember at the time HR said they would deduct it from my Natwest account a month later. I told them where to go but i'm guessing that they did and since there was no overdraft facility most of it will have been unauthorised charges. That was in 2007 and I have never paid or acknowledged the debt since then. The reason I was unsure if it was this at first is because there was also a disputed bill with Vodafone for a similar amount which Vodafone said was sorted out. I can't remember if they sent me a letter to confirm at the time, my life was pretty chaotic to be honest so they may not have done! My fault I guess for burying my head in the sand and assuming that it would all be resolved if I ignored it! I'm pleased to say that i now live absolutley credit free and only buy what I can afford so I haven't even applied for credit in the last 5 years! I will send a letter to Lowell directly and ask them to provide proof of the debt first and also check my credit file and write to anyone else on their that i dont recognise. If they come back and it is over the 6 year limit I will send the statute barred letter.... Wish me luck! Thanks again
  2. Hi all, thanks for reading. I would be very grateful for any advice on the following - This morning I received a letter from Advantis Credit Ltd advising that they were acting on behalf of their client Lowell and were seeking to recover a debt of £961.14 from me. I have a vague idea that this may be a debt from more than 6 years ago although to be honest I cannot remember exactly when it was from. Should I send a statued barred? letter or a request for the original credit agreement first? I honestly cannot remember exactly what this debt is for?! Thanks in advance:-D
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