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Everything posted by vvanishv02

  1. Thank you becky. I will do as everyone has suggested, and I will continue with the disciplinary procedure. I dont want to shy away from responsibility by resigning. Thanks everyone.
  2. My sister says that going through with the process is the best thing. If I were to resign, then they may call the police which is not what I want. And I also feel that I could just get a dismissal with the meeting. OR even if they are sympathetic enough, they may give me final warning, but highly unlikely.
  3. Is there anyway that I could suggest to the hearing manager whether he would asking my colleagues about their opinion of me? I understand it's a longshot but surely peoples opinion of me should be considered especially since it is highly out of character.
  4. Yea I understand that part, however he can claim unfair dismissal if they keep one and fire the other for the same thing. It's that precedent thing you were talking about. Do you suggest I speak to my manager prior to the hearing and tell him I'm sorry about the situation?
  5. It was me and my friend that did the same thing together. It is out of character and the only thing I could say is that we were pressured at work to meet targets for sales etc. I felt that making all those sales and not getting anything out of it was the reason why I did it. Never any issues at work. I guess I can go to the hearing and just plead not to have anything connected to the police. But even then they may just inform the police and do it anyways.
  6. I understand that, thanks. However for the procedure to be completed they said that they have to send the letter to my home. So I'll still be nervous, but in the end I could ask about the police thing in the meeting. It says that the manager has the decision, maybe pleading to him could work but he is a person that follows the rules perfectly. On the other hand, he was a bit sad when he found out it was 2 people and he's gonna be in a massive pickle due to every other member of staff not being trained enough to me and this other guy. Lastly, if the police do come, would that be on my record for when I apply for jobs?
  7. I'm 24 and it's my first ever problem I've done in the work place, and I've never had anything related to the police as of yet. My company handbook doesn't mention police involvement but like everyone has said here, its a judgement call. In the handbook it says they would consider past experience, but even then it's a long shot. My question is, do I go ahead with the disciplinary and get potentially dismissed and escorted off the premises by the police with a bad reference? Or do I just resign with a bad reference with the nervousness of the police possibly coming?
  8. Thanks. I wanted to know if the police would pursue me if I were to resign? Can they still come for me after my resignation even though I have paid back the money that was stolen? Or is that up to the discretion of the manager? Also, if I were to go to my disciplinary, would they then call the police? It seems like either way they would call the police.
  9. Thanks. Would it be possible for me to just resign? I've been told by my manager to resign, but everyone I'm asking is saying that I shouldnt considering the disciplinary action allows me to put my case to keep my job. If I did resign, would I need to attent the hearing? Also, does my grievence against the company have any factor to play in the evidence?
  10. I had been given extended till functions that are usually only given to managers and trustworthy employees. I have been working there for 2 years. I feel that should be a good thing, that Ive only been there 2 years and I have management functions, no? Others who have worked there for over 8 to 15 years didnt even have these powers on the tills. From when I'd started as a temp till now, my managers have told me I've shown tremendous progress, very quickly and that I should be given a promotion, but the rules in the stores and the economic environment is such that we are unable to have more than 2 team leaders in the store. I was the person who started this problem and got another colleague involved. We are on disciplinary on the same problem, but he has not admitted to anything. The other person has issued a gift card worth £50 and gave it to me. I had issued £200, £150 I kept, £50 I gave to him. Also the interviewer was very aggressive towards my colleague into forcing him to give a confession, whereas I just told him straight up that I did do it. I may not be highly trustworthy but at least I was honest. Thanks
  11. Sidewinder, Are you saying that the chances of a criminal record is low? And if they wanted they would have done it at the very beginning? Also speaking about precedent, another manager told me that a disciplinary action was disregarded because the company didnt follow their interal procedures. I don't know if that would help, but that person got sent to a final warning stage. Not sure. I'm trying to contact people in my company to see what they say the internal procedure is, because the company has to follow it. Not sure. Thanks.
  12. Thanks for the help. I wanted to know one important thing. If I were to complete my disciplinary hearing and they concluded that theft is apparent, would I be given a criminal record, or be taken to court, or even prison? I also understand that gross misconduct is the worst way to go, but I have told my manager I would be willing to return whereby I would be revoked of my till functions and just do stock handling. And my manager is in a important time period where he cant really afford to lose 3 people over this situation. ( one colleague of mine was in on this, and another colleague as mention before is planning to leave). I just want to get back to work to be honest. Thanks.
  13. Thanks Honeybee I did not have anyone in the investigatory one, however a colleague of mine did have a witness during his investigatory meeting. I also did not receive a copy of the investigation meeting's findings, and the colleague did get a copy. So I feel that they are following internal procedure for one colleague but not for me. The time difference between his investigation meeting and my meeting was only one week, but how can the procedure change so much? I stole £200 in giftcards at my workplace. They found out via their internal monitoring systems and asked me to come into the office for the initial meeting. The man had prewritten questions on the desk and asked me them in order. He showed his proof in regards to the fraudulent purchases I had made and I did accept that they were fraudulent. In the end, he made me an offer to return the product or to pay for the difference, and I paid the amount that was stolen. (the product was worth £400 but only £200 was from the giftcards, the others was from my own money). I signed the initial meetings document, but I think he didnt mention the fact I paid for it as soon as the meeting was finished in the documents. Now, I have asked a colleague (seperate to the one mentioned before) and she said that when she had her disciplinary, she had a witness and another person in the room in the investigation meeting (4 people: the manager, the colleague, the colleagues witness and another who wrote down all the questions and notes for the investigation meeting) So I feel like they have taken different measures for me and for others. Thanks.
  14. Thanks for taking the time to read my thread, much appreciated. I am currently researching disciplinary procedures over the internet because I have been suspended over gross misconduct (theft) and I wanted some advice. I know what I have done is wrong, but I have looked on the ACAS website and called helplines and they are telling me that the company has not followed the procedure properly. I was called into a room for questioning, without a witness and without a recording taking place. The interviewer concluded that disciplinary action has to be taken forward. However the people I have contacted have told me that I should have had someone with me in the room at the time. But according to my own companies policies, that stage was considered "informal" but in the eyes of those who I spoke to said that it is formal because they are making a complaint against me. I also have filed a grievence to the company prior to this and have been told that the company must resolve this before disciplinary. My friend said that legally, they has to veto this problem because they havent followed the law. Also I paid back the money, before the outcome has be determined and my friend said that should not have happened. I know its a lot but I really need help. I really want to keep my job and I have shown remorse to my employer but they are still adament. I work in retail. Thank you.
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