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  1. thankyou for your reply i will take your advice
  2. i may have made a payment in 2008 but havent any documents to verify i took account out 2000 or 2001 and didnt sign anything resembling a cca so cant see why they would issue proceedings at future date they can have as much time as they like i didnt sign anything. why do you think they have asked for me to sign this Consent order is it to save face. why not request an adjournment until the documentation is available.what sort of costs should i claim for and am i likely to get anything from them
  3. just got back from holiday and letter from lowell on mat refering to upcoming court appearance 1st july. i wrote to the judge and pointed out that the cca lowells had enclosed was just that, a copy of a cca unsigned by myself with no reference to names etc and stated that it wasnt down to myself to disproove the debt but their job to prove i owed. in light of this their letter states that as i have raised a dispute it would not be appropriate for them to pursue. they want me to alternately contact them at their office and enter into a repayment plan (why would i?). theyve enclosed a Consent order agreeing to set aside the demand, is this not for the judge to decide, the hearing listed to be vacated and no order for costs. please would you advise me what steps to take next should i attend court and send my costs in or (and i do not wish to do so)sign this consent order. Theyve stated that they will issue proceedings in county court when the documentation from Original creditor becomes available, putting horse before cart, i want all this to end as i have a life to live but i need to fight for myself and other people who are experiencing these nightmares. i can only thank you on this site for helping me this far before this sd landed on my mat just before christmas (yes they really go for max impact) i didnt have a clue what to do. Any further advice you can offer will be gratefully appreciated. Can i also add that when i went to get this sd set aside i paid £60 i would like to claim this back and any other fees and costs i will be donating to this site
  4. hi havent been in touch since jan but now have a date to attend 1st july apparently this is a reset date as there was a hearing 5th april but i didnt know about it so didnt attend lowells had to file their bundle by 3rd may and i have to reply by 26th may but dont know what i need to send do you think i should mention at this stage that i havent received a cca as requested and also it states that costs are to be agreed 3days before hearing how do i go about this. lowells have sent copies of blank cca and have stated that i made payments in 2008 although there is no proof in their paperwork ie signatures i said that i had made a last payment 2006 presumably this is what they have sent to the court on may3rd
  5. there is nothing to say that i was served with the stat d on 4/1/13 do you think they will have an affidavit confirming service they could use it to their own advantage and say that my time is up anyway cos the date on it is 4/12/12 the first i knew of this was 12/12/12 i had a letter thru door saying they would return 4/1/13 to serve it which they did and it was dated 4/12/12also can i ask , on the sd it states that the balance is much higher than original in 2008 and they had been assigned the debt in 2010 ive had numerous letters off everybody and his dog since 2008 never acknowledging any of them surely the original creditor sends the first letter of assignement to start the ball rolling then it just gets bounced around from dca to dca (or desk to desk) it also states on the sd "IF THE AMOUNT OF DEBT INCLUDES INTEREST NOT PREVIOUSL;Y NOTIFIED TO THE DEBTOR, DETAILS SHOULD BE GIVEN, INCLUDING GROUNDS UPON WHICH INTEREST IS CHARGED. THE AMOUNT OF INTEREST MUST BE SHOWN. non of this has been complied with by them.They also mention the AGREEMENT 7 times in the sd i have requested a cca so obviously they are familiar with the said agreement for which i await 12+2 days hence my request. If i dispute the demand i should: contact the individual named in part B ( THE LITIGATION EXECUTIVE who has only 11 beads opn her abacus calendar) (sorry but well executive!). I REALLY DO APPRECIATE EVERYBODYS HELP BECAUSE IF THIS DOES GET TO COURT I NEED TO GET MY FACTS IN ORDER OBVIOUSLY THEY ARE QUITE INCOMPETANT.i have the papers and 5 days in which to file so am going to have some chill time and consider my options thanks again will keep you all posted and hope my case will ease a few minds and maybe help if we all stick together who knows how far we will get.
  6. the date on the demand and the accompanying letter both have same date the envelope is handwritten and just has my name on it in biro the deadline for having it set aside passed 25 days ago so i am due to be served with a bankruptcy petition any day now according to their threats! i requested the acc letter last week and have the sar ready to send there are a fewother discreppancies with these docs i have and im going to sit tonite and list them the more i digest these the more im understanding them and the more pathetic and desperate they become
  7. thankyou for your reply i have called in person to the court today for the papers to set it aside and have them. im not sure i should send them as i think these are empty threats also if i file this at the court surely thjat means it is Iand NOTbw legal who have instigated the court proceedings. is it not better to wait until i receive an official letter from the court itself the lady at the court said that there was no record of anything at the court. i have sent bw a letter requesting the cca is this not the first step in disputing this matter forgive me if this doesnt make sense i have had a hard day at work and been to dentist! i need to digest all this information myself after all it is bw threatening to take me to court why go running there myself? Ihave been re reading all their letters sent to me and a friend i showed them to has noticed that the date accompanying the statutory demand hasnt even got the correct DATE on it its a month out of date i will read this garbage and will drop you a msg later if thats ok
  8. send the dca the cca recorded delivery with postal order for£1 send lloyds an sar postal order £10 DONT PUT YOUR SIGNATURE ON ANYTHING YOU SEND even if you never use these documents you will have them in your possession for future reference also make copies and keep receipts hope this helps
  9. hi sammy stop the paranoia the country is massive they would have to be good detectives to know who you are. i have a ccj for £8500 credit card debt from lloyds they accepted £5 per month admittedly i didnt contest it at the time (2yrs) i didnt know this site existed til last week i would say to you dont make there job easy by telling them things they want to know if it takes them longer tuff i realise you want to get your debts cleared asap but youre still going to have a bad credit score whatever youre paying tell them youll start at a quid if youre forced to tell them anything remember youre not alone and people want to help
  10. im hoping that i can give the reason for it to be set aside as i dont agree with the balance as there must be charges on top also have been getting letters off various dca over last 4 yrs ive sent cca to bw legal and am going to send sar when i couldnt pay my monthly payments i offered to pay reduced but they ddint accept and passed to dca ive never acknowledged any of these letters i have a mortgage and secured loan on it but no equity i have a cleaning business with one partner the business listed at this adress and the only asset a van in my name (should i put it in partners) i dont want theses sharks profiting from me so any help will be gratefully received. what are the chances of them giving up or because of the debt almost being stat barred will they push it as far as they can i never signed a cca the cat was taken out 2000 so am confident that they wont produce one is this enuf to halt any proceedings in court. should i go to the court house and ask about the form to get it set aside?
  11. thankyou so much appreciate any advise
  12. hi i was served with the stat demand on 4/1/2013 by way of a hand written envelope pushed thru letterbox (no postmark) i have sent cca letter by recorded delivery this is a littlewoods account i havent paid or acknowledged since 2008 the amount claimed is 6,225 quid (balance no where near this amount) i have been advised to apply to the court to get it set aside i have already typed up an sar letter to send to shop direct any other suggestions as to what i can do. if it sounds as tho i know wot im doing all the help and info i have already has been advice from this site thanks to everyone
  13. I have his name and home adress
  14. i paid this outfit £450 to have my credit card charges written off after to ing and fro ing for 18months i was told the company didnt exist anymore and got a ccj for £8500 serves myself right i hear you say no, you would if i told you i actually cleaned the owner of the companys home and knew he had already been in charge of a failed mortgage lenders buisiness it was guaranteed i was told by his father who came to my home and took my cash hey i knew them surely they wouldnt fleece the little old cleaning lady! yeah theyd skin a louse for their hide beware GREEDY BASTARDS
  15. my son has just took out a television with perfect home. he is paying approx £64 month they told him he has to pay £21 for insurance as the house he privately rents has no insurance!!! (shook my head in disbelief) is this compulsory or are they milking even more money out of him. can he decline this insurance. incidentally when he checked his account recently he discovered that they were taking this insurance weekly and had taken 2 payments of £64 also. they gave him the money out of the till when he visited the shop! please can someone advise as he and his partner have a new baby and they are struggling to make ends meet anyway. typical perfect home customers i know!
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