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Everything posted by badbessie

  1. Thanks for your replies, Yes he does have a CPN but he is on a course at the moment. My sister contacted the GP and it is CBT. He stated that it will start when my brother-in-law is ready. So i have jumped the gun a bit with my question. Thankyou for your help.
  2. magicmerlot, First do not deal with them on the phone, Just say in writing and put the phone down. When and if you get a letter remove all identifiers e.g name address etc and let us have a look. You will get more advice then
  3. My brother-in-law as a history of depression and anxiety. His G.p as offered counselling. He as just started the process of moving onto ESA from IB and feels that this would be too much at the present time. He is now worried that if he refuses the doctor will not support him. He is going back in two weeks time and I would like opinions of anyone who as been in a similar situation.
  4. Laird_Scooby I do not think that on this forum that the comments were directed to the people living on benefits. There are just too many of us that have been through this process to point a finger at others.
  5. If its just supporting evidence you need from your consultant you could try ringing his medical secretary. They are normally very good. You could also try his senior registrar.
  6. Can you sign on and let the advisor view whilst you are there. Let him look but do not give him access.
  7. I am not sure if I am in the right place. I have just been sent this by the local neighbourhood watch alert system An email circulating purporting to be from Action Fraud, threatens legal action because of failure to provide Western Union details to PayPal [22 August 2013] Threatening [problem] email from “Action Fraud Team”: Threatening [problem] email from “Action Fraud Team” Threatening [problem] email from “Action Fraud Team”: Threatening [problem] email from “Action Fraud Team”The personally addressed email mentions a recent transaction with "Mercy Peters" and threatens legal action because of refusal to provide Western Union details to PayPal. The [problematic] claim that "Mercy Peters" has contacted Action Fraud to make a report about the violated PayPal agreement and request a scanned receipt and Western Union details within 24 hours in order to stop your name and address being sent onto law enforcement agencies. The fraudsters are sending the emails from this address: action.fraud@cyberservices.com. Action Fraud would never contact you and make threats in this way. If you want to verify communications claiming to be from Action Fraud you can call 0300 123 2040 or email action.fraud@nfa.gsi.gov.uk. Follow the tips provided by Paypal to stay safe from PayPal scams: Log in safely: To log in to your PayPal account or access the PayPal website, open a new web browser (e.g., Internet Explorer or Firefox or Chrome) and type in the following: https://www.paypal.com/ Look out for attachments: PayPal emails will never ask you to download an attachment or a software program. An attachment found in a PayPal [problem] email will often contain a virus that can harm your computer or compromise your PayPal account Never give out personal information: If Paypal require information from you, they will notify you in an email and request that you enter the information only after you have safely and securely logged in to your PayPal account. If you receive one of these [problem] emails report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or by using the online fraud reporting tool. Please use the buttons below or click here to reply and here to rate this message Click here to reply to this message Please rate this email by clicking here Click here to view a printer friendly version of this message Click here to view the various options for forwarding and sharing this email Click here to login to your account Click here to unsubscribe or edit your message settings Click here to tweet this message to your followers Click here to forward this email Click here to share this message on Facebook Let the system builders know about any faults you spot by clicking here
  8. Thankyou again for your kind advice.
  9. The H.P company as rang and stated that due to the machine having no original packaging and being in poor condition they do not want it back. They gave her two options give to to her ex partner or dispose of it when she moves home as they do not want it. I have told her to get it in writing. I am not happy for her to make a decision based on word of mouth. I believe this to be the safe option.
  10. Its in his name Only. But when she tried to contact the company they would not deal with her because its in his name. Could she send them a letter stating that she will not be responsible after a period of 28 days if they do not collect it. She is only very young and frightened that she may break the law.
  11. Thankyou brigadier, If the H.P do collect the item, how would that effect her if the ex partner makes an appearance. There have been no agreements made about him leaving the equipment there. Is she well within her legal rights to do this.
  12. My friend separated from her boyfriend about 3 months ago. About 4 months before he went, he brought two items of exercise equipment on H.P. My friend will be moving to a smaller place in about 5 weeks. Her ex partner sold one of the items but the other remains in her property. She as had no contact with him for about 6 weeks. Should she ring the H.P company involved and ask for them to take it back, (she is unsure if he is making payments). If they do not want it what can she do because it is quite a large item and there will be no room at her new place. She is also receiving mail for him from debt collection companies. I have told her to send the letters back with not known at this address wrote on them. Is this the correct thing to do.
  13. Lee79 . Have you sent a letter telling them that you will only deal with them by letter. I was in a similar position and when I complained to my local trading standards I was able to show the letters and proof of posting etc. Since that time I have had no more visits or phone calls.
  14. Deepinthedoo, they must have started a new policy, they normally come back with a letter that answers nothing, perhaps your complaints have them worried or after recent court rulings on harassment they have turned to a new page when dealing with people. The letter is at least proof that they received your complaint.
  15. Billym1967 are you under a consultant for your anxiety related disorders. What evidence have you sent to Atos. My father as many of your symptoms and after a long fight, complaints etc he did get a home assessment but you do need the support of your GP, consultant etc. Don,t give up and let them win!!!
  16. The levels in the Wolf document are far to high for this to happen. The only area in which this could happen is with legal highs when if you have drunk a small amount of alcohol and taken medication then the levels are reduced by 50%. You must admit Mr mastiff that this would be exceptional even at the reduced levels.
  17. I have read with disgust the report of the nurse acting as a mental health advisor. If anyone again as the the same experience they should report to the Midwifery & Nursing Council. Nurses must follow both the guidelines and code of practice set out by that body. This Nurse had no right to act as a Mental Health Advisor her Actions are a serious breach of professional conduct and would be dealt with by the council as such. The following is the telephone number of the Fitness to Practice department 020 7462 5800 / 5801 please call . This Nurse should not be around vulnerable people. I will ring the council on Monday this is breaks so many Guidelines I don,t know how they get away with this gross misconduct.
  18. I appealed and was then placed in the support group from W.R.A.G. I rang and asked when it would be again reviewed and at the present time I cannot nail them down to anything.
  19. Roger to that. But they always request Home telephone numbers Just in case there is a problem
  20. Hi, Brigadier2js, thanks for your remarks it as been useful to get another view on this matter it, If you are correct then when my daughter opens an account then the bank will not get any details
  21. Thanks for your reply, however when i rang the bank they would not give me any information about why my telephone number was given to these people because of the data protection act. I said but thats my telephone number why cant I find out. Its the Data protection act was the reply. They hide behind the Act when its in their interest. I have since wrote a formal complaint asking why my details were given out.
  22. When My son opened the account I believe that that my telephone number was given without my permission by my Son. When the telephone number was given my Son said it was for Bank use only. My point is that my data not my sons was given to these people without my consent. The telephone number was in my name and paid by me. it was also stated that it was ex directory
  23. Hi, . Over the last two years my step son has had a number of debt collectors after him for various amounts of money. due to this I have had phone calls etc from these pond life which i stopped by writing letters ( this forum as been a great help). However, as soon as I stop one from ringing, another takes its place. I have made complaints to FSA, Trading standards, Communications officer and the police. My Son as now left Home but still the letters arrive and the phone rings. I Send the Letters back unopened and now they ask over the phone were is he. I will not print my reply on this site, however I am sure most people will guess. I believe that when the debts were sold at least two of the companies (banks) gave my telephone number which is ex directory to the collectors is there any legal means of asking them if they did? If they have what legal options have I? because until the banks stop stop doing this and take some responsibility for the actions of the people they sell the debts too then people like me will continue to suffer harassment for other peoples debt
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