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Everything posted by shazzi

  1. i dont have any bank statements,i did pay something like 17 pounds a month for my credit visa but not sure for how long,i rem cancelling that, it might have been a year or 2 later
  2. it was a bank account and i had a credit card visa with barclays
  3. :???:hi,im a ex customer of barclays bank, 9 yrs as a cutomer with them , i decided to claim back my charges,as they had been charging me 30 pounds 3 times a month ,i was on income support and a single mum. the charges went on for 9-12 months, i owed them 500 pounds on my over draft, i agreed to pay them back 18 pounds every week, they agreed, i got down to owing them 150 then they kicked me out, but i believe its because i got a intouch with a company to re-claim my charges because i couldnt afford it and didnt think it was fair, then a few weeks later i recieved a letter fr barclays infoming me my account would be closed and that i return my credit card and cut through the chip and return it back to them, i did as they asked and posted it back. I still recieve letters fr debt companys or solicitors on behalf of barclays trying to recover the 150 pounds i still owe them,lol. Its been 5 or 6 yrs since barclays closed my account so i dont know if i can try and reclaim my charges back, i never heard anything back fr the company i asked to re-claim back my charges, but i did hear on the news that everyone claiming their charges back didnt succeed as all high court judges over ruled the ombusman, so i havnt tried since, i could be owed PPI but not sure if i can claim them either so am a lill confused.com could u help plz ty
  4. thank you,i have recieved a email fron yorkshire bank customer services saying to phone them as information on customers details are not safety guaranteed through emails. Be even better if i had call time to phone 0844 numbers lol,thank you once again,u have been a great help
  5. no it was not a isurance through yorksire bank i had direct debits coming out of my bank account for this insurance,it was a private isurance for a van i had at the time. Do i write to head office in leeds or scotland to trace who i was insured with?
  6. i called in to yorkshire bank last year to ask them to trace the name of the company who i was insured with 3 years ago,but they said the information on they computors get wiped off their systems after 2 years,its really important i get the name of the compay i was insured with,as they have got 8 years no claims bonus of mine,which i need back asap for my car insurance,is there a email address for yorkshire bank? or could you tell me who i can get intouch with to help me find out
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