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  1. Yeah look, I'm just a bit ****ed off with all this. Not your fault I know So theY rearrange my appointment for tmw, my 2nd wca appointment guess what, just got another call from them saying it been cancelled again !!!! still no money and the 2nd time atos have let me down still no money until i complete the wca Dont know what to do, what the chances of them giving me another appt and still not having my details ? this is what I said to them only 3 days ago ! when someone rang me back when i said i wanted to complain, and they cancel my tmws appt on top of that ! WALOB
  2. Erm I have appealed. they recived it on the 3rd of Jan.......................... Does courtesy put food on the table ? or keep your house warm ?
  3. it states failure to return or attend so how has the assesment been done? if u have a appeal u should get paid by what that says [EDIT]
  4. 1 . DMG 42474 advises that a claimant who is treated as not having LCW for failure to return the questionnaire or attend for medical examination can continue to be treated as having LCW until the appeal is heard Does this mean I am entitled to a payment until my appeal is heard ???? 12 weeks no and nothing I feel like ringing esa now with these regs but dont wanna mess it up
  5. can I get a payment now as it is there fault and not mine, as I attended ?
  6. So, I had my wca today in london as I have had to move out of my home 200 mile away due to being skint. I have had this appt for 2 weeks now. I turn up, and guess what They have not got my papers [EDIT] , so they had to postpone, so I have to wait longer, still no money [EDIT]
  7. I never gave them a copy no but im sure i may be able to get one, in me giving them his name adresss and the hospital he was in then surley thats enoguh for them to go and check it up,, or they may be to lazy to even do that.
  8. Yes, You are all right by the looks of it. also I cant get a crisis loan as I have had 3 in a 12 month period allready Still no money up to this date and no word on when a WCA is going to take place I have had to give up my flat and move 250 miles back to London with my Family, change all my details over. No money to live on but at least I can get a meal here In the meantime, I have mad a claim for JSA friday just gone to see if they may help me until the WCA comes or my Appeal decison, whichever first.en told today that I dont qualify for a harship payment as my ESA claim is on hold until this WCA My Appeal is due to Family illness. My Grandfather was serioulsly ill in hospital after going there for a routine operation. On the 3rd day of him being there his lungs and kidney collapsed and his condtion ot a lot worse. he died 2 days after my WCA assement was supposed to take place and this was some 250 miles away from where the WCA was held. I wrote this all down in my appeal, his name, adress , the hospital he was in so they could check it out. and nothing yet. If thats not "good cause" then wtf has the world come to
  9. im in the same boat, i not had money for 8 weeks, walob. i never had the money to collect my food voucer and the nearest job centre is 9 miles away/ they dont care
  10. why did they say that mate ? sorry to hear your situation its **** what these people do, there are places like food banks but getting cash is hard
  11. So 3 hours have gone and no call, typical...... A\lso In my 1st post I meant to say I was migrating from ib to esa dont know if that makes a diference
  12. Hope someone can shed some light. its so hard when one person says you are entitled and another one says you are not, in the meantime i not getting anywhere, thanks for all you replies... think i have to go back to the cab ofice tmw and get hold of the person who made the calls for me. i found this link showing how many points you get for each question, this should come in very handy google this as i cant post links yet leics dot gov dot uk foward slash esa stop benifit pdf
  13. Does anyone know if a did not attend means no money during an appeal ? or am I entitled to the assessment rate until it gets sorted ?
  14. Thanks I will have a look now, just feels like I go round in circles with esa. this friday be the 9th week with no money, also been advised to not claim jsa as it could jepordise my appeal so im pretty much destitute now for weeks, got so behind on my bills, i missed court yesterday over council tax not eaten properly for weeks.
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