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  1. Hi I don't know where this question sits but basically, here is the situation. I have a friend who's account details have been breached by someone within the bank. There was a specific transaction that was made on her account which was leaked to her family and this has caused a lot of personal issues in her family. Apparently her brother claims that he knows someone who works within the bank and he obtained the information through that bank employee. She is adamant that no one but her and the bank would have known of the transaction and she always shreds her bank statements and disposes of them properly. She went to the bank today to complain about this but the manager wasn't helpful and said that she needs to put it in writing along with the name of the employee who has leaked the information but she doesn't know who it was. This is clearly a breach of data protection but she does not know how to pursue this further. Is there anything she can do to get the bank to thoroughly investigate this and ensure that such leaks do not occur again? Would the police get involved if it was reported or does it not class as a criminal offense? Thanks for your help Rob
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