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Vincent Buenisides

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  1. When I was told I had to "volunteer" in a charity shop, I realised as soon as I got there that I would learn absolutely nothing about the world of work, or develop new skills. It would essentially consist of four weeks of folding clothes - that's it. Luckily, a few days before I was due to start this life changing role, an agency called me up offering upto eight weeks PAID work, albeit boring work. I took a punt on that and it turned out to be 12 weeks and it enabled me to save up a good bit of money. Much better that then listening to old women all day. I was a manager in a charity shop, I would point blank refuse to take on anybody that was forced to attend under duress - it's just not ethical.
  2. Nope. It has to be by letter and it must be allowed to reach you in good time, i.e, five working days. A sanction wouldn't stand, but considering how the Jobcentre have been behaving recently, I wouldn't put it past them to try and apply one if you did miss the appointment. My advice is to contact your provider AND the Jobcentre first thing tomorrow and get them to make a note of your interview. Also if possible, give the Jobcentre details of your interview - NOT Ingeus. At least then if the Jobcentre need to confirm your interview then they have it on record. It's the Jobcentre you need to keep sweet - Ingeus would just hound the employer and then hound them even more if you got the job. Good luck tomorrow.
  3. Can't speak for the Bolton Jobcentre but I too have had sign on again after a short break and to be honest it's no different to before. The only thing that's changed is that I've now had to setup a UJM account and fulfill a claimaint commitment. I find that if you show a fat jobsearch diary (about three pages), they don't harass you. My advice to apply for as many jobs as you can and put them down, even if they aren't really suitable as the odds are you won't get them anyway and the advisor can tick their boxes. Also put down that you look in the loca paper, contact agencies, ask friends and send spec letters. The jobcentre are looking to sanction as many as possible so do all you can to prevent them. Good luck and hopefully you can find a job soon enough.
  4. Apply anyway, and ask for a mandatory reconsideration of your sanction immediately. Go down to your jobcentre today and fill in a GL24 form. Don't wait for the letter from the Jobcentre because they send it 2nd class and it's known to take a week. Also notify your local authority that you want to make a "nil income" declaration - that way your housing benefit will be safe. Also see if your council are able to help with your utilities. If you are running out of food, ask the jobcentre/local authority for a referral to a food bank.
  5. What's the name of the charity that you'll be "volunteering" for? Is it a well- known one?
  6. I agree with sillgirl1. It's much less hassle to play ball now, as (in my experience) the Jobcentre are pretty easy with you during the early parts of your claim. If you allow them to tick their boxes they are fine. It's when people are being awkward when the DWP start getting heavy and issue directions, send people on workfare, and look for ways to sanction you. Don't give them the opportunity.
  7. I've been on the Work Programme and various other schemes and the women are always the worst. If you're unhappy with any aspect of the provision of your Work Programme provider, put a complaint in to their manager and do it ASAP. And complain about the lift access too. You are also well within your rights to ask for another advisor.
  8. If she incurs ANY travel costs while attending Work Programme activities, the provider HAS to reimburse them. From the provider guidance: ***.dwp.gov.uk/docs/pg-chapter-2.pdf Don't let them fob your cousin off. So long as they've got the receipts, they've got a vaild claim for reimbursement. And make a complaint. Time and time again I keep reading about providers flouting proper procedure:mad2:
  9. Regarding your Housing and Council tax benefit, in my experience this is suspended once the Jobcentre notify them of the suspension of your JSA. I'd advise that you contact the benefits department of your local authority ASAP just to ascertain what the status is. Like the Jobcentre, local authorities are not very proactive when notifying claimants that their payments have been stopped. If they have been stopped, they can easily be restarted once you tell them what your income is. Also, while you appeal is going through the system, don't be shy to phone up the DWP at every possible opportunity to check on it's progress. Sometimes you will get through to a right prat who will often be as obstructive as possible but often you will get through to someone will be as helpful as they can. Good luck with your appeal.
  10. On what grounds could a sanction doubt be raised? It's this kind of nonsense that's got the DWP in trouble over the Poundland business: Quickly rushing out statutes and regulations without checking the actual legalility of them.
  11. You can ask for a reconsideration of the first sanction within one month of the date of the decision (unless they've changed it without telling anyone), so ring up your jobcentre to ask for one. Did the person at the contact centre give you any idea of what the sanction was for? In my experience it was usually failing to attend an appointment or failing to apply for a job, but in today's climate it seem's anything can trigger a sanction. As for the second sanction, why would you need to fill in a reclaim form?
  12. I second this. Always complain, especially if an advisor takes it upon themselves to deviate from their specific task, i.e., to get you into GAINFUL employment. It can take time for your complaint to work it's way through their complaint's procedure, but don't be afraid to be proactive and badger them at every opportunity about your grievances. It let's them know that you won't be pushed over and hopefully may adjust their attitudes towards other clients.
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