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Everything posted by MrDust

  1. Yes, a few people had a look (and smell) before rapidly exiting! He's left an absolute ton of clothes, quite a few pieces of musical and electrical equipment and a stack of other miscellaneous personal items. Yes I could store it if necessary but, want shot of it all as soon as possible (and would be reluctant to sell any of it as it's all probably so contaminated, any recipients would keel over... )
  2. He has a full-time job that he manages to get to every day so, yes, I'd say he does. I know where he lives now too.
  3. Yes, have documented the whole process of removing everything in both photo and video form (including some heartbreaking footage taken today of my poor dad quite-literally nearly passing out while pouring the contents of the even-more-unpleasant homemade toilet into the drain as the smell was so disgusting)...
  4. Hi all Have recently found myself in a situation that I can't quite believe... At the beginning of 2012, my lodger moved in. He lived here 11 months and moved out on the 1 Dec 2012. At least, he officially moved out, the fact is, he only took a couple of car loads of stuff and then said he'd back for the rest of his stuff. Apart from a couple of phone calls, I've not heard from him at all and, he never turned up at the agreed times. Funnily enough though, he forgot to cancel his Standing Order so I got another months rent out of him for December that I was more than happy to keep. His room remained in the disgusting state he left it in (particularly with the hundreds of beer cans he left behind) and I just kept the door shut and didn't go in there as I had a trillion other things on my mind... Now, a few things about him. He was an old mate of mine from college from 20+ years ago but, I never really knew him that well but I found out very rapidly once he moved in that he was quite obviously an alcoholic. Always drinking cans of lager from the moment he got home from work until he'd go to bed at whatoever-o-clock (I'd hear the cans cracking open as I was trying to sleep). What was seemingly a less-pleasant side-effect was that I'd occasionally find literal human-excrement around the house! On the bathroom floor (far away from the toilet, christ knows how he got it there), little $h!t-smears on the settee (so I had to have the sofa-shampoo at the ready...). It was pretty gross. I broached the subject with him a few months back once after I found the latest, erm, deposit on the bathroom floor and he scrubbed it and apologised and said he had stomach problems. It never happened again after that and I was glad to forget it had ever happened. Anyway, as I said, he left this house finally a month ago and I was, quite frankly, glad to see the back of him. I found him a pain to live with anyway (not just because of what I've described, but other things too that aren't really relevant right now so will leave to one side). So, last week, on the 1 January 2013... New year, new start. I figured it was time to get stuck into clearing his room out as much as I could so thought I'd go make a start on clearing up all the beer cans. And, oh my god, i found out they were all full of his own urine and occasional fag butts. Hundreds of them. What I thought would be a quick job of swilling out stale beer cans and chucking them in the recycle box became a lengthy process of emptying his stinky p!$$ into the loo and then swilling them out and only then getting them out of the house. It was disgusting. As I cleared one section of the room, it opened up to another section, and another section. There were about 50 cans under the bed alone that took a good 2 hours to clear, some of them had fallen over so the result was long-dried urine in the carpet... Anyway, that wasn't the worst of it... The next day, I got to the corner of the room and found a pedal bin that was full to the brim too. And, in front of that was a homemade chemical toilet full of a brown-looking liquid that was quite obviously his own excrement. Absolutely disgusting. It's only today, after a week (and with the help of my poor elderly father who hired special plastic containers and a pump) that the job of clearing all the revolting contents of the room has been completed. I've had to rip up the carpet and throw it away, along with the mattress, bed and some other bits of furniture that were no longer fit for any human to use. So, I currently have a shell of a room that's full of the rest of his belongings. Does anyone out there have any thoughts/idea what I can do legally about this? I'd ideally like to sue the pants of him and, at the very least, get him to pay to replace the bed, carpet and furniture. At the moment, *no one* is going to be living in there and providing me with an income... Any advice appreciated (Apologies if I've just put anyone off their dinner)
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