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  1. That's a bit of good news JammyGeezer. I've also been sent a replacement, which looks to be second hand. I'm pretty damn annoyed. My original tablet was immaculate. The screen protector looks as if it has been pulled off and put back on, and there is a mark on the back of the tablet where a sticker used to be placed, plus some other small marks all over it. It powers up, but I haven't used it at all or tested it properly as I have to charge it through the car adapter as the mains adapter is broken. It looks as if it has been updated with the newer OS just like yours. Currently deciding what to do next. Did your replacement appear to be new?
  2. Please let us know how you get on with senior management Leisure Gherkin. I've been contacting Amazon about this and I have got absolutely nowhere. They don't want anything to do with it and keep telling me to contact the seller directly... I've been emailing the seller through Amazon and getting no response at all, how else am I supposed to contact them? How this can be allowed is beyond me!
  3. Also when sent the tablet was redirected to another address and signed by "HOLLINGS"
  4. Has anyone had any luck with this "Quality Stores"? I too returned my tablet to them in November 2012 for repairs or replacement. I was told that repairs could take upto 14 days. It has now been considerably more. Amazon won't do anything about it and I've sent a number of emails to Quality Stores to which I've had no reply. The only email they replied to was the original asking if I could return it under the warranty. Pete
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