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  1. holy mackerel....still waiting for cheque just one excuse after another and now i got albany going on about court cases for hire car....aaaarrrrgh
  2. settlement agreed at last,just got to wait for the cheque now...will be so glad to put it all behind us and get on with normal life again......yipee
  3. damn it.....am i the unluckiest car owner or what....just bought a cheap car to replace my beloved fiesta just written off,it needed a few paintwork scuffs touching up so i put it in a local garage workshop ,collected late yesterday [almost dark].woke up this morning...friday....excited to see my new car looking shiney and gr8 ,but oh no the doors look worse than before it was worked on....aaaarrrrgh!!!!!! looks like he has mopped paintwork with cutting compound but not cleaned it all off and sprayed over it....damn lines going in all directions all over my doors......holy mackerel...what next
  4. i have posted all paperwork off today[monday]still don`t know why hastings having my regestration docs helps value the car,they already know its a 2011 fiesta i owned from new,and they have milage etc....but i just want it sorted now so i`ll go with the flow,also i have involved ford finance as they have a interest in the outcome hopefully they`ll push things along...i`ll keep ya all posted.....
  5. still heard nothing from rep,i tried to call hastings but it seems the person i need is only there office hours mon-fri,i`ll have to try in my lunch break at work.i bet they`d be there if i was paying them some money!!!! i still refuse to send any documents in until i have a total loss offer in writing
  6. i had a non fault crash on dec 13th 2012,a lasy turned in onmy car as i drove down the road,she admitted her fault while police were present and basically over christmas i heard nothing from hastings direct ,i expected some delays because of xmas but a quick letter or call would have been nice,anyway since then i called them and have found out from albany car hire people that my car has been a total loss,so i called hastings and sure enough was told its a total loss.but was asked to send in my insurance papers and the vehicle registration papers but ive had no offers yet for my car.also i have some outstanding finance on the car which by the way i bought from new 19 months earlier,they have also asked for me to contact finance paople so they can get a final amount oweing,which i guess makes sense,but i don`t like the idea or understand why they want my car documents before ive agreed any money value....surely once i send those in ,i no longer own the car...?
  7. after a non fault accident my car has been classed as a total loss by hastings direct ,should i send them my vehicle registration papers they have asked for,even though i have not recieved or accepted any offers for my car....why do they want them before i get an offer
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