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  1. Hi always get worried last thing i want just want to get this year over with and all drop off, hate owing but if you cant pay, anyway thanks for help
  2. Hi no they are all listed once but for payment history jan 2007 to may 2007 then says df on june 2007 so have no idea like you said all accounts i have dates are different to df but it says de-faulted in april 2007, anyway fingers crossed, thanks again all
  3. hi it blank jan to may 2007 then df onwards from june anyway will let you know many thanks for your time and help
  4. ITS the april one june is a different company and that is still under old address, but one not showing this month and don;t know what as happen to that one that was down as 7th month this year, so that one is a mystery maybe next month it will show, and have you tried noodle its free every month no more paying out, for your credit file, but it does say people have to ask me to view my file and none of the debt companies have done searches on me last 2 years also not on electric roll since i have moved here, wrong again i know. with reference to letter not had one of these before, i do remember it saying on numerous times we have tried to contact you and know you live there and if not heard of you court action cant remember 100% what it said as thrown away like rest wish i kept it now. will keep you posted and keep checking my file from noodle cheers again
  5. many thanks most are off jan, apri and june this year just the judgement end of year if i do recieve court papers could i return them undelived or would that be worst for me, like you said and thanks for all your help and advice they might not do anything they have left it to long thanks again
  6. Hi many thanks for quick reply all on my file it says defaulted april 2007 no payments made at all just returned letters, and now got this one but thrown it but how have they obtained my new address as they cant search a credit file without my permission can they, just really hope it does not go through as then it goes back to 6 years again back to start. i did open last lot of letters and 3 out are 4 we have been instructred by lowells t he grey letter one unmarked so no postal address to return so if i do get court action do i say i have not recieved warning letter, as anybody seen a warning letter and what's it say. thanks other question is i think something i sold on ebay if i can remember but they never returned the item did not hear of them i moved due to other debts, but would have paid back this person if they had return the item anyway thanks for all your help but would like to know if bryan carter as ever takien anybody to court as this is a five year plus debt or they trying last tackles thanks again
  7. Hi any help would be welcome, i have a few debts and a few are with lowell but get others to collect i left all my debts at my prevous address, as could not afford them, wrong i know, but a few have followed me as i got a few quotes for insurances in past but dont know how they have obtained my new address, as first i have not fill in voting forms so they cant trace me through that, most debts will expire this year and letters if i have received i have put sender not here, another lie i know, but got one with no return address, a grey letter i iusually check online usually po boxes are debt or have orange lines across enevelope but double check, it was from bryan solictors, and gave deadline 7 days just before christmas, otherwise they take me to court, i read so where that it is last date when made payment or is date of default this was 04/2007 so should be off this time. i cant see if they do take me to court why they have left it to last minute, or do they have no chance, any help like i said will help do i jsut say never recieved any letters, and would court then see rest on my credit file as they are all of this year last one in june. lastly i have a judgement from northampton court 10/2007 could this come to light if bryan carter take me to court as read it is same court they use if thats true, but you see a lot on web and dont know what to take in also when does a judgement go off heard it 7 years not 6 like a default. anyway hope anybody can help me and what to do if worse happens thanks
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