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Everything posted by isabella2008

  1. My resignation was worded as follows and I have attached their response. 28th July 2014 Dear David Re: Letter of Resignation Please accept this letter as my notice of resignation, effective from today the 28th July 2014. I am grateful for the opportunities and experience I have gained at ???? however, after much consideration I have decided to accept a position with another company. I would be grateful if I could be released from employment on the 15th August 2014 and will hopefully be able to discuss this with you on my return from holiday. I trust that all my outstanding commission and salary will be paid accordingly. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you and I wish the company every success in the future. Yours sincerely
  2. Also I have worked in car sales for 30 years, commission is not discretionary it is part of your salary package
  3. Please see answer to second question in revised post above. thanks
  4. When i returned to work my desk was cleared out and my belongings were gone. My contract was in my drawer at work. Although, i requested a shorter notice period this was not discussed, therefore I would have been available to work a full months notice. Employer advised that this would be discussed on my return, but none of this happened.
  5. I would like my basic pay for my notice period as well as the commission owed for the month of July total around £2500
  6. Good evening, Please could someone advise on this. I handed in my notice on my payday in July 2014 (intentionally as my Employer has a history of not paying employees final salary after they've handed in notice). As I was on holiday at the time I handed in my notice, I requested in my notice letter if there was a possibility that my employer could release me at an earlier date as I was hoping to commence employment with my new company sooner than my notice period would end. Whilst on holiday I received confirmation from my employer accepting my resignation and informing me that I would be able to discuss an earlier leaving date when I returned from my holiday. I returned to work on my planned date only to find that all my colleagues had been informed that I had left the company and was not returning, furthermore I no longer had a desk to sit at in order to conduct my daily work as they had reallocated my desk to a colleague. Having arrived at work as usual at 08:30 a.m. I was informed that my manager would be arriving at 11:30 a.m. in order to advise me on the situation. I was made to stand and wait from 08:30 a.m. until 13:15 p.m. when I eventually realised that the manager would not be coming. I was left with no choice but to arrange transportation home. Whilst waiting for the manager I was informed by my colleagues that my manager had distributed my pending sales deals between my colleagues. I received my final salary in September without pay for my notice period as well as no commission which was due to me for the month of July. I requested a complete breakdown of my final salary which my employer has not provided. I also expressed my opinion on the way in which I was treated and they told me that I chose to walk out and that whilst what I consider to be my "normal" desk was occupied by someone else there was a desk available for me to sit at. However, nobody informed me of this on the day. I have been in touch with ACAS and my Employer has refused to discuss the matter with them so am now filing with Tribunal. Please advise if my employer is in breach of anything here? I am happy to give further details should you require. Best!
  7. Hi there, Thanks for the response - very interesting article. Where would we start with this? Would I be able to take this up from here or would it be better from Zimbabwe? Thanks again - heartbroken
  8. I would really like to do the best thing to get my credit file looking better than it is. If offering a settlement does this then yes please I would love a letter drafted. Thanks
  9. Hi there, PLease can someone advise me of this. In 1996 my family came to live in the UK on ancestry visa's via my mum who has a british passport. To cut a long story short, my brother got involved with drugs and petty crime etc and failed to meet the requirements of the visa to stay out of trouble with the law, maintaining a job etc...He was arrested for theft and placed in prison and his Zimbabwean passport held by Home Office. He never claimed the passport back for fear that he may be deported. Eventually, we wrote to the home office after he was clean and behaving himself for about 3 years and asked for them to consider re-issuing a visa etc... they said he should return to his home country to apply and so he did in 2010. Ever since then, we have never regretted anything more. He applied for the visa and refused immediatley based on his crimial record. We are so gutted as our whole family are living in the UK and he is stuck out there completely on his own with no home or family and is struggling to survive. Can anythig be done to bring him back? His parents, brothers and sisters and whole family live in the UK. Please help! Many thanks
  10. No, I haven't yet made an offer. I just wrote to both asking what a settlement they would accept, Barclaycard wrote and said I need to deal with Lowell so now I guess I need to pay off Lowell, but if I pay Lowell, will Barclaycard also remove their default?
  11. One more question, if I settle with Lowell, will they both show as settled?
  12. Great, thank you so much. Does it matter that I had already written to Lowell at the same time to ask for a settlement figure without quetsioning this debt?
  13. Hi there, No is it still default with Barclaycard and the date on Barclaycard is June 2009 and Lowell is November 2011.
  14. Hi there everyone, I have recently started trying to repair my credit file and wrote to all the lenders who defaulted me asking them to give me a full and final settlement fee. I received a response from Barclaycard to day to say they sold off my debt which they defaulted at £1198 to Lowell Portfolio for £745 in 2010 and told me to contact them to settle this. I also noticed a default of £745 by Lowell Portfolio and wrote to them at the same time. Putting 2 and 2 together I gather that these dafualts are for the same debt. Please can anyone advise me of the legitimacy of this? Also what can I do to about them as I am willing to settle with an offer? If I do this with Lowell will they both show the debt as settled? Please help! Many thanks Izzy
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