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Everything posted by mechsman

  1. Just had the next letter in the chain from ukcps titled "notification letter", informing me that 28 days have elapsed since they last wrote, and under schedule 4 of pofa I am liable for their invoice. I will continue to ignore unless someone says otherwise.
  2. Dx, thanks again. Just wanted to check as I was reading elsewhere that there was a school of thought that said you should engage with the appeals process to show willing. I will ignore the threatograms for now then.
  3. Thanks dx. Is the standard advice still to ignore until proper Lba or actual court papers turn up?
  4. So here we go again at Abbeywood retail park. For PCN's received through the post [ANPR camera capture] please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement 21/11/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 28/11/2018 3 Date received 30/11/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] No, but says ANPR - made under POFA 2012 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes, see attachments 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] No 7 Who is the parking company? UKCPS 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Abbeywood Retail park (MacDonalds section), Bristol For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under? IAS What's the standard advice for these nowadays please? Thanks in advance ticket 1 redacted.pdf
  5. So, just to update everyone, nothing further received so far from any of the companies who claim to be involved in this. Last deadline expired 18/04/18. How long do they get to chase this just out of interest?
  6. Hmm. Okey doke, I will keep an eye out for the next one after the 18th then, as that's when their latest "deadline" expires.
  7. That's what I thought. Out of interest, changed from other examples of this letter that you've seen, or just from the previous letter in this chain?
  8. Dragonfly, you were correct, I have received another DR+ (in drag) letter. See attached. Again, I will ignore unless advised otherwise. Many thanks [ letter 8 redacted.pdf
  9. Dragonfly, okey dokey, I will keep an eye out then. Just a quick one, but SRA in this context stands for?
  10. Thanks for all of the advice so far Caggers. I have another letter in the threatogram chain. This one appears to be DRP in drag as Zenith collections. I will ignore again. I wonder if they will actually bother with court or if that will be it now. Either way, redacted version attached for laughs. letter 7 redacted.pdf
  11. as it was posted at around the same time as mine. Pictures of the signage are in the attachments in post 5. ah250: I have been posting scans of the letter chain I have received. Assuming you have ignored everything so far, I assume that your letter chain is the same as mine?
  12. Hypothetically, if the keeper were driving, would they have to reveal this to the judge? I would presume the answer would be yes, if asked, but no otherwise? If the keeper were driving at the time, I would therefore assume that it would NOT be wise to highlight the above, even if defending as keeper?
  13. So if defending as keeper, this would be something to highlight to the judge as being a crock of the proverbial then?
  14. Ahhhh, righto. I don't live a million miles from there either. You're welcome to come if they actually try it. Non compliant on two counts? 1. not titled correctly and 2. no response pack?
  15. It's not titled as such? I received nothing other than what was in the scanned attachment, so nothing like the form you have shown. Is this a standard form, or should I expect to received a version of this from the solicitor? Yeah, I thought adding an "admin charge" for the most common method of payment was a bit cheeky. I have not given the identity of the driver, I would be defending any attempted claim as the keeper. Copies of the signage are in the attachments in post 5 if required.
  16. As in the file labelled "bin" or the file labelled "highway robbers masquerading as solicitors" (or both lol)?
  17. Righty, after a bit of a hiatus, during which DRP sent me one more begging letter, I have received a letter from a new player in this game, miah solicitors (see attachment). Am I correct in thinking that this is a "rent a letterhead" style letter and it should also get filed under "b for bin"? Is there any further legwork I should do now in terms of prepping a defence etc in case UKCPS do actually attempt court with this? letter 6 redacted.pdf
  18. Thanks for the fast reply. Okey doke. Filled for now then. There's probably at least 2 more full sets of letters to go for different tickets as well (different date/car for which I am the keeper). What a waste of paper!
  19. Ok, so it appears the pet debt collectors are intent on ratcheting up the scare factor. Today I received the attached letter entitled "Notice of intended court action". Am I correct in assuming that this should be their last letter before they put up or shut up and actually put in for court papers? Anything further I should do at this point in terms of prepping defence etc, just in case they do decide to actually try it on in court? letter 5 redacted.pdf
  20. And so the comedy train rumbles on. Today I received the letter attached. It appears that UKCPS have passed their speculative invoice to their pet debt collectors. Am I ok to continue ignoring, or should I write to/phone the new clowns along the lines of "the debt is in dispute with your principle, therefore naff off!"? letter 4 redacted.pdf
  21. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all Caggers. Long may the tradition of kicking the proverbial out of unfair companies continue. just to update, I received a further letter from UKCPS just before Christmas. It was entitled debt recovery notice, but I am presuming it's just been passed to the next desk in the office? Redacted scan attached. Ericsbrother, the signage detail is in the attachment on post 5. I will get a site plan/pic up shortly. I was reading up on the PP BlogSpot and he advises responding using the appeals process, if only to get the paper trail and show that it's rubbish. I believe I am past that point now, but is there anything more I should do at this point in terms of response? letter 3 redacted.pdf
  22. Same car park (abbeywood), different day(s) and vehicles which I am the keeper for.
  23. Ok thanks. I will continue to file under "bin" then. By legwork, other than getting the pictures of the signs etc, and reading up on the parking pranksters BlogSpot and other threads on here, is there anything else I ought to do? Maybe start preparing a draft defence on the off chance that the parking company decide to chance their arm in court? Incidentally, I, as the keeper of the vehicle have received a couple of other "NTK's" for other alleged parking infractions (different car, different day(s)). I'm not (as the keeper) deliberately trying to get tickets, but it does appear to happen occasionally. Would this make it more likely that the PPC would try and pursue me as the keeper? I did lol when I saw that line about not getting callers at their office, I reckon they don't want the hassle of irate motorists on their doorstep.
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