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Everything posted by dfc2tone

  1. ZIINGA IS A TOTAL CON - PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!! Ziinga is a total con. I have been kicking myself for falling into this. I got an email saying that I had "won" a mobile telephone and like an idiot I applied for it, paying a £2.00 delivery fee. It was only after I had done this I noticed the small print stating that by accepting the "won" item I will be charged £69.00 a month subscription for 3 months. I immediately cancelled the order but was told I would need to wait until after 3 months before they would cancel the subscription. After several emails they said I could cancel if I pay a £35.00 cancellation fee. I did not pay these criminals a single penny. I quoted them Distant Selling Regulations and then changed my bank account to stop them getting any furhter money from me. This was obviously a right hassle but I was furious with them (and myself). I have not heard from them since. Lessons I have learned - read the small print and never use a debit card for internet purchases. I'm sure all you computer savvy people out there are shaking your heads at my stupidity but for others PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM ZIINGA OR ANY OTHER PENNY AUCTION SITES. THEY ARE A COMPLETE CON!!!
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