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  1. We had every right to be parked and was not abusing the facilitys or causing any damage.
  2. Is there a chance that POPLA may close the case aswell? We still have the receipts of what we bought (Over £100 of shopping), It was busy christmas shopping and they never timed the amount of time we was parked (they use an entry ANPR "Automated numberplate recognition"... we was around 27 minutes over 2 hours). We never really presented our personal case to VCS because we knew they'd just ignore it.
  3. they don't have proof that we parked, only a picture of us driving in and out "ANPR" (It was hard to park and really busy due to christmas shopping)
  4. yep that's the jist of my invoice hehe... Since they are persueing the case doesn't that mean they theoretically agreed to our contract? and if so would that greaty reduce the chance of them taking it to court? I just need verification because It's not my charge and I'm not the one paying...
  5. We recieved a parking charge from Vehicle controls services on the 18th of decemember for staying 22 minutes over the 2 hours contracted. After my disgust of a charge from a private profitable organisation I look around the internet. I found a standardised letter and sent them this email, To whom it may concern, I received notification of a parking charge your company believe you can charge me for parking my car in the car park in st andrews retail park. Firstly your so called notice is nothing but an attempt to frighten people into paying your invalid charges. The so called notice is not legally binding as no contract agreed or implied has been entered into by my self. I believe that as your company is a private company and is not associated with either the local council or police authority, your charge is invalid. I have not and will never enter in to any contract agreed or implied with your company nor have I broken any law or statute. I have returned your notice clearly marked "No Contract Return To Sender" as I have no wish to enter into contract with your company. Further action on my part will incur charges which be chargeable to your company! My charges will be invoiced at the following rates... Initial Charge of £250 then £100 each time I have to respond in relation to this matter. All legal expenses and costs will be charged in addition to the above charges. Pursuing this matter will trigger these charges and by doing so, your company agrees to these terms. I look forward to your response within 7 days. Regards, They never Dropped the charge and sent an invoice saying we can pay early payment of £60 which will go upto £100 on the 5/2/13. What further action should we take? I believe the parking company is damaging the retail site themselfs by giving such outrageous charges (especially since we spent over £100)... we have been avoiding the site ever since! My mum is worried and is on the edge of paying up (since my grandma will go halfs "£30 each"). I told her I would lay down the extra £40.
  6. The most disgusting thing is that the parking company is probably causing more damage to the retail park then we did staying 22 minutes over 2 hours during the christmas rush (and spending over £100 on shopping)
  7. yes they gave me an attached POPLA form with a verification code at the bottom.
  8. We got a reply saying our appeal was unsucessful but it says further appeals will be ignored they also use the word "Enforce" are they alloud to do that?... I just wrote this up fast Since you have chosen to persue me for these charges you have agreed to my terms - "State contract" If you do not drop your allegation or fail to reply within 14 days you will incure charges of £250 which includes the above contracts £100 charge each time I have to respond in relation to this matter, you have also agreed that any legal expenses will also be charged as well as the above charges. My Letters are not an appeal but an outright refusal to accept your allegations, You never stated any damages we may have cause and you don't even have proof we parked! Although I think my best method now would be just to ignore them.
  9. I found something in the POFA, it says that Conditions that must be met for purposes of paragraph 4 (claiming unpaid charges from the keeper) ( Paragraph 5) (1) The first condition is that the creditor— (a)has the right to enforce against the driver of the vehicle the requirement to pay the unpaid parking charges; but (b)is unable to take steps to enforce that requirement against the driver because the creditor does not know both the name of the driver and a current address for service for the driver. So as I read that it's more or less stating that they must have the legal authority (which basically means a judgement in court) to ENFORCE the charges onto the driver before holding the keeper responsible for the charges right? After 28 days however section 1b ceases to apply, but they would still need a court case to enforce this charge (If you never named the driver and/or never turned up to court they could win by default, I assume?). I assume that's what it means, Unless somewhere in the document they have something to invalidate that as well, lol.
  10. I found something in the POFA, it says that Conditions that must be met for purposes of paragraph 4 (claiming unpaid charges from the keeper) (5) The first condition is that the creditor— (a)has the right to enforce against the driver of the vehicle the requirement to pay the unpaid parking charges; but (b)is unable to take steps to enforce that requirement against the driver because the creditor does not know both the name of the driver and a current address for service for the driver. The PPC does not have the right to enforce anything have they? Unless they won a court case. In which case they don't have the right to claim from the keeper unless decided upon by a judge. I'm sorry but I do need information as it's not me the charges are against, It's my mum and she's really worried and I think she'd cave in to there pressure if she isn't entirely convinced.
  11. Well the contract I found online states Further action on my part will incur charges which be chargeable to your company. My charges will be invoiced at the following rates... Initial Charge of £250 then £100 each time I have to respond in relation to this matter. All legal expenses and costs will be charged in addition to the above charges. Pursuing this matter will trigger these charges and by doing so, your company agrees to these terms. So do you think that'll put them off even sending mail back to us and opposing us?
  12. What about the issue of being unwilfully forced into a contract? can the contract still apply even though they don't have proof the keeper agreed to the terms? or is this just to have reasons to charge the keeper when they don't know the driver? I'm really worried about this new act since we're trying to avoid paying a parking ticket we believe is unfair and if anything is damaging the retail park. One big thing we could use is that the parking charge was given by an ANPR which is located on the entrance which logs your number plate as you drive in/out, so it's not actually a charge for parking right? It was busy and it took a long time to get parked and exit and we went over by 27 minutes and for all they know we could of been driving around in circles for 2 hours. we got a "£60 early" £100 parking charge. We was christmas shopping and probably spent more then £100 on the retail park. Upto now we just sent a letter denying we ever agreed to a contract with them (which is kind of true, since we was totally unaware of ever doing so and the monitorisation is new on the site) and never will enter a contract with there company and included our terms and conditions which more or less says by persueing the matter they will be charged and will be responsible for legal cost and that there company agrees to the terms by doing so (I found some resources online lol).
  13. (assuming the driver isn't the keeper) Even if they know who the driver is and he refuses to pay, they can still charge the keeper after 28 days... this also means if you rent a car and get a parking ticket, which the company pass onto you and you refuse to pay the hire cars owners will be charged, and if the hire company just pays they have valid legal reasons to claim the money off you. If that's true I may start my own car hire company, then stalk the hirer until he/she parks and give them a £1000 ticket and if they refuse to pay after 28 days. After paying the money into my own account, Say that I the hire company paid for the ticket and you have a solid signed and dated contract to hold the hirer responsible for the damages. This really shouldn't exsist :S
  14. If they do take you to court just say you thought it was a s.c.a.m. (which many would argue is true), since you ignored so many of the tickets without consequence you assumed you was right. How did you even managed to get multiple tickets anyway? they must have a strict contract. lol :S, when I type S.cam in full it says [problem]
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