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Everything posted by saj.saj

  1. a friend of mine lost her husband a few years back and she was able to claim bereavement allowance and was also able to work part time and claim tax credits, maybe worth her looking into.
  2. i'm currently off sick waiting for an operation or i would start claiming jsa....can i claim income support for me and my kids even if my partner lives here? i have no idea how anything works as we've never needed to do any of this before, also his jsa is stopped untill february and that's when we could re-apply, i have no idea how they can stop it for a few months tho, thanks for your reply sparks, very much appreciated!
  3. Firstly my apologies if this is the wrong place to post this as i'm new and this is my first post. My partner has worked all his life and was in his last job for 8 years, around seven months ago he had to take time off due to sickness, severe anxiety/stress, so was on ssp for 3/4 months in around that time he started getting accused of stealing from his empolyer and they even came out to our home and inspected every part of it, but did not find anything !! a few days after they sent a letter saying that out kitchen looks like one of their kitchens and that they will be dealing with it when my partner returns back to work. ... now we live in a council house and the kitchens are all exactly the same, so my partner got in touch with our council and after a few phone calls found that the kitchen had been fitted 6 years ago. ...so he cleared his name.. ..nothing was ever said about it and we recieved no letter/phone call of an apology... .. this completely stressed my partner out and did not help with his current state of anxiety and felt that he couldnt go back to work for the same company because of the way they treated him. he stopped receiving ssp and went onto jsa and signed off sick from the doctor as he wanted to get back into work and start afresh, he did everything he had to do, went to sign on and was job hunting everyday.. ...he was claiming ssp for the both of us as i stay home and take care of the kids.. ...he has been on jsa for 3 months and now we have had a letter saying that he is no longer entitled for jsa as he volantary left his previuos job, he has told them repeatedly the circumstances that made him quite and how he felt and has sent all the forms off, he even told the jobcentre that he will be starting a job on the 21st january ( next month) as thats when work will be picking up( for his trade) we only needed the extra help for the next 3 weeks or so then he would no longer need jsa... . i also had a letter from housing benefit saying that jsa has stopped so housing/council tax will be stopped too..... i'm so upset by all this, we have struggled for so long and now with only a few days untill christmas we are left with no money, i dont know how we are going to manage, and what saddens me more is that my partner worked for 8 years and this is the only time he has ever claimed benefit and they treat us this way, we have nothing for our kids for christmas and im on the brink of depression, i just dont know what to do i really need some advice because i'm totally lost, thank you.
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