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Reginald mole husband

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Everything posted by Reginald mole husband

  1. If it is the case that the sign is "waste of metal" why would tax payers money be wasted in the first place and why was it authorised?
  2. Hi to all I have been legally parking my taxed,mot'd and insured vehicle on a public road which is a cul de sac as it has public access to a small wood where I walk my dog. The residents (mostly retired people) have a dislike of people parking on their street I've even suffered abuse shouted even though I'm simply going about my law abiding business and there is public access at the end of it and the vehicles are legally parked and not restricting their access in any way. Today I noticed new signs have been installed saying "ROAD USE HOUSEHOLDERS ONLY" they appear to be legit council signs, there is no info of any fines/punishments should a non resident park on this public road or have any double/single yellow lines been painted. Any ideas as to what my legal position is should I decide to park my vehicle for an hour while I walk my dog?. Is this sign even legal as I see this as an infringement of my civil liberties I pay road tax, this is a public road I should have every right to legally park on this road. Your thoughts would be very welcome
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