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Everything posted by Woodi79

  1. Cheers from what ive read, anything pre 2005 should be dealt with direct with WFS and anything after to be handled by the FSCS. Could be wrong, but im starting with WFS first and will take it from there.
  2. Just been viewing the WFS threads. Am I right in thinking that some of their charges/fees maybe reclaimable? Have had a few phone call and letter charges! Not that I'm being greedy, just after reading some stories it makes you realise just how badly some people get fleeced by these co men. Glad I never chose banking/loans as a career
  3. Ok, i just assumed each PPI claim had its own spreadsheet. Does the same apply to the questionaire? I will leave the date as is, I didnt realise the interest accrues until or if they settle. Many thanks, I will keep thread updated. Cheers
  4. Noticed that i have medicare aswell, didnt know that and can i claim for this with ppi?
  5. Thanks So i have attatched Loan 1 and Loan 2 spreadsheet. Loan 1 PPI was calculated by finding the percentage of the PPI of the loan then using that percentage to caluclate how much PPI was being paid on each payment. Same as above was used to calculate Loan 2 PPI. The remaining balance of Loan 1 PPI was then calculated from a percentage of loan 2 and the same method as above used to calculate the amount of loan 1 ppi on each payment of loan 2. I think this is correct having followed an example in your link My next three loans are like this so i guees you apply the same rules with regards carrying the ppi from each onto the next. Thanks in advance for any help or assistance from anyone.
  6. Hi all, Just been trawling through old paperwork from my 6 old welcome finance loans, courtesy of an SAR sent last year. I have downloaded the spreadsheets and filled out two already. Just wondered if i posted them would anyone be able to look? I think ive got the hang of it from various members links and advice on other threads. Any help greatly appreciated Cheers
  7. Ok,feel out of my depth but you are right and i guess if im successful it may help someone next time they want to make an example of someone.
  8. No,would it be my local mp in England or where i used to live in Wales? And what can they do? Getting in deep now,feeling unsure, mps CEOs, who next!!!
  9. Will do first thing tomorrow,ive already looked at lgo complaints and they say to go through council first,i which i have but the outcome ninevitably will be in their favour without any independant reaponses,guess im learning the hard way! Thanks
  10. Any ideas? Feel like bangin my head....or is it just a matter of perseverance?
  11. Update, my internet down so im using my not so great phone. Had an email from jacobs saying all i can do is ring the bailiff dealing with my case. The council are saying i have refused to disclose work details despite only firstly asking for income expenditure which i promptly returned. Emailed my and posted my letter of complaint to Ceo, had a few interactions. the complaint has been designated to be dealt with by one of the people at the council who i have in writing that the bailiffs can charge in accordance with law, i have pointed out many a time that their fees are made up as no levies have occured. i aired my displeasure at the complaint not being handled impartially as he is onep person i am complaining to. i also asked who do i complain about him to. The Ceo Pa just said dont mither me anymore, speak to our corporate complaints department. am i getting the runaround?
  12. Grown loads in the past, some people will tell you a specific way of doing them all, but from my experience most of them you can just throw in a pot of compost, water every now and again and be patient. Taste nice knowing you grew it yourself!!! Im going to plant some cayenne pepper seeds this weekend
  13. LOL, if only it were true, just took the actual figure out. One can dream i suppose! Thanks for advice on letter
  14. ]So, question about this is, I have provided income and expenditure form, why (and can they) ask for more details regarding my wifes employment? Dear Sir I refer to your various emails. The Magistrates Court can only hold an enquiry into your means if the council commences committal proceedings due to your non-payment of the council tax. The Council cannot commence such proceedings without first having received a certificate from the bailiffs confirming that there are insufficient goods on which to levy distress, so until they have had the opportunity to arrive at that decision they will continue to pursue this matter. Any payments made by you direct to the council will be credited to the debt for the period 01/04/13 to 15/07/13, which has not been referred to the bailiffs; the sum currently due is £73.22. You state that you are vulnerable because you are unemployed and on medication for depression. As far as I am aware you have not raised this matter prior to our recent exchange of emails. If you wish to forward evidence such as a doctors letter confirming your mental health issues then I will give that point further consideration. You have completed the income and expenditure form on which you have indicated that ........has an income of £1,400,000 per week. Please would you provide full details of her income, i.e. employers name and address, and her payroll number. The bailiffs costs are the same in Wales as in England. If costs have been incurred under the existing legislation then you will not incur costs under the new legislation. The bailiffs are allowed to charge costs for each liability order with which they are dealing; in your case there are three liability orders. I attach a schedule of the costs incurred to date. If you wish to make a formal complaint you should follow the procedure as set out in the attached leaflet. Yours faithfully Received this from Jacobs today, but no breakdown of fees, no mention of my vulnerability status Dear ME We acknowledge receipt of your emails and note the contents therein. Fees raised are in accordance with the Council Tax (Administration & Enforcement) Regulations 1992 (as amended). Your account is currently allocated to our Enforcement Bailiff, ........... who has been instructed by this office to collect payment in full only. Please contact the bailiff in charge 0123456789 Failure to comply with the above may result in further recovery action being taken. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Regards Jacobs Enforcement I take it the only action they can now enforce is another attempt at a levy in my house? Or does this now have to be passed back? I have also attatched a draft of my letter to CEO of council if interested, it has attatchments such as LGO guidelines and reports, thanks for your time
  15. How polite does one have to be when one is addressing a CEO with the unfortunate task of informing him of the possible failings of some staff employed beneath him??? Don't want to upset them and dig my hole any deeper!
  16. Cheers, I would like to say that I am in no way trying to shirk the responsibilty of my debts, I fully intend to pay what i owe. Although councils have to adhere to guidelines e.t.c. every case is different and it seems that some simply will not listen or show an ounce of sympathy i.e. your debt, you messed up now pay it! I would also like to just pay what I owe, not extra fees for imaginary reasons, yeah i messed up I know I have but i'm trying to deal with it and the powers that be seem to make life harder in forcing people to do so, sometimes with underhand actions.
  17. Yes, the emails are from previous contact in 2013 shortly after i lost my job
  18. Hi, already have the emails I sent to which they have responded
  19. Thanks for the links, really helpful in drafting my complaints. Another point to mention, in all three LOs enforced by the bailiff I have had 3 levy fees of different amounts despite no levy occuring, 1 van fee and 3 schedule 5 header h fees. Am i right in thinking that the latter can only be applied in the case of a levy taking place?
  20. Also I filled out a liability order questionaire regarding income and expendtiture and they are asking for more details of my wifes income, full pay details, address of employer and payroll number. Do I have to provide this as I have already put her income on the form? Is this so they can make an AOE?
  21. Update, i sent off emails and letters to council and bailiff regarding my unemployment and long term illness, exerts from response from council: "The Magistrates Court can only hold an enquiry into your means if the council commences committal proceedings due to your non-payment of the council tax. The Council cannot commence such proceedings without first having received a certificate from the bailiffs confirming that there are insufficient goods on which to levy distress, so until they have had the opportunity to arrive at that decision they will continue to pursue this matter." "You state that you are vulnerable because you are unemployed and on medication for depression. As far as I am aware you have not raised this matter prior to our recent exchange of emails. If you wish to forward evidence such as a doctors letter confirming your mental health issues then I will give that point further consideration." "The bailiffs costs are the same in Wales as in England. If costs have been incurred under the existing legislation then you will not incur costs under the new legislation. The bailiffs are allowed to charge costs for each liability order with which they are dealing; in your case there are three liability orders. I attach a schedule of the costs incurred to date." So first question, the bailiffs have not been back and will not gain entry to levy distress,so is there a time scale in which the bailiffs have to "arrive at that decision"? Second point, I have forwarded benefits letters and copies of my medication but I guess they need a letter from my doctor to confirm this?I have told them of my situation before. So the costs,a list from the council not Jacobs who so far have failed to respond to any emails or post. My question regarding the fees is can they charge a levy fee despite not gaining entry and a van fee? They have charged for these. The council and Jacobs have also neglected to address my points regarding their wrongful levy on a random car and the fact that the coucncil have said I must deal with the bailiffs until it is passed back to them, hard when no one from the bailiffs returns my mail.
  22. I can and will provide proof, thanks. Just to add despite my wife working I don't claim Jobseekers, I was told when i became unemployed that I hadn't paid enough NI contributions to warrant me clainming anything, but they advised I should 'sign on' as they would be my best means of securing employment.Although I know of many who don't actually actively seek employment or have ever paid NI contributions in their life.I now class myself as a house husband, a job in itself!!!
  23. Am I allowed to post and seek advice????? Would it damage my sitaution if I were to request other peoples directions on the matter??? Surely I am only doing what countless people do in times of distress
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