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Everything posted by Haunted

  1. The first two payment issues were due to my partner, she mistakenly assumed that the dates had been changed back in June and therefore took money out after the 18th - Due to them not changing the date when informed in June all mail went to the previous address - as of which as stated with the person in November, he admitted that there was a note against my account that I had contacted them in June but nothing had been changed on the account - he apologised and changed everything over there and then. He even stated that it was clearly a mistake on their behalf and we admitted fault with the removal of funds on the two occasions - as stated above we arranged a payment plan to cover those two months, but he did not tell me anything about their policy where the DD was cancelled nor that I had to make arrangements to pay the monthly instalment. The only time anything was discussed about payments was when he gave me the Sort Code and Bank Account in order to pay the outstanding overdue amounts.
  2. There is no tenancy agreement - I'm still waiting for that from the new Landlord - He's the neighbours Uncle - I've already spoken with them regarding the other vehicle that was damaged and they're fuming. With regards to funds, the money was and is still sat in the account.
  3. According to the person that I spoke with on Tuesday their policy is that they cancel DD when fallen two months behind, so I dont incur bank charges "IF" the money isn't available... I informed her that I was not informed of this (as of which I wasn't) and that had I been informed of this, then I would have re-arranged the payment another way... she insisted (didn't even listen to what I had to say) that the first person that I spoke to in November will definitely have mentioned it... Again I told her that this was not the case... but again she refused to listen. I have spoken with two different mechanics, and both have stated that by towing an Automatic vehicle you will indeed damage the vehicle - as stated previously you will damage the Transmission, the gear box and the Break system. - Automatics have a duel break system. I have emailed the Finance Company stating all of the above, I am yet to receive a reply... I have been told it could take up to 8 weeks before they do, if they do not reply with 8 weeks then I can go to omnusbman?
  4. Several? - It was TWO payments which were missed, the third was also due to them cancelling the DD and not informing me... as a "supplier" is it not their DUTY to inform me that the DD was cancelled - especially within the second phone call? It isn't "potential" damage... it is damage to the vehicle, you simple can not tow or drag an Automatic - The damage caused can be more than the car is worth, minor damage is one thing, turning a vehicle into a lump of useless metal is another surely?
  5. Hi all, First time poster... use to forums though I took on a finance for a vehicle back in February 2012 and kept up with all payments as one should. However, in June 2012 I moved home, contacted the finance company to inform them of this and also changed the due date. Unfortunately though the bank wouldn't allow me to change my address without having an up to date bill to prove that I was living at the address, we are on quarterly bills in the new home so I had to wait. Finally received the first electricity bill, as to which my partner went into the bank and changed the address and also requested copies of statements because we were unable to gain access to the previous address due to a dispute with the old Landlord. (This however has since been resolved). It wasn't until the statements arrived that we noticed that the due date had not been changed and that I had missed 2 payments! I contacted the finance company, apologised for the error and arranged to clear off the outstanding 2 months by the end of January 2013 - this would give me enough time to get together additional monies and ensure that the mistake on their behalf (i.e. non change of payments date) and that we thought all payments had come out so unwittingly had spent additional money were we shouldn't had. The person that I spoke to on this particular day, confirmed that it was quite clearly an error on their behalf because 1. Address had not been changed 2. Contact Phone number had not been changed. 3. Due date had not been changed He was quite helpful (it seemed!) even knocked off £50 charges, and did not charge us the apparent £25 address change that they charge, as of which I knew nothing about from the first call. However... Come Monday evening 10th December 2012 - I arrive home to find a notice of termination on my doorstep! - I immediately attempted to contact the finance company to find out why this had been sent, to find that despite the times on the notice saying 9am - 7pm the answer machine stated 9am - 5pm and offices were closed So like any other sane and rational person, I thought it was a mistake, and that I would be able to contact them the following morning. Tuesday Morning arrives, my partner goes downstairs to defrost her car, comes back upstairs, wakes me to tell me that the car had gone! I thought FFS! only just had the termination letter WTH is going on here! I contacted them in the morning to be told the following... 1. It's not the finance companies job to monitor my debts?! (Which annoyed me extremely!!) 2. It's been taken because I've fallen behind with another month because THEY cancelled the DD - apparently to save me getting any more bank charges?! - Yet they failed to tell me this back in November!! 3. The only way I could get the vehicle back was by paying over £3600 by card + £282 for the removal of the vehicle. Now, normally I'd have bowed down and kissed someone's backside at this point, to try and keep the vehicle however...The tow company that took the vehicle has done the following. 1. In order to move my vehicle, they have moved/dragged another vehicle out of the way - this is quite apparent and I also have photographic evidence and an eyewitness to verify this. 2. They have dragged my vehicle off a private car park. I.E. The car park my vehicle was on is owned by my Landlord, we have to park "closely" in order to stop the local taxi rank from abusing our parking area by parking taxi's on it day and night. 3. By dragging my vehicle they will have certainly damaged it - I have spoken with my mechanic about this, and he stated you DO NOT drag an Automatic Vehicle because you will damage the transmission, the braking system and the gear box 4. The tow company has also damaged the other vehicle which belongs to my neighbour! Now, I wouldn't mind some advise on this matter... as I've been informed to not pay another penny to the finance company because their actions have been extremely unprofessional and they have provided no support as a consumer/customer to me whatsoever... Where do I go from here?
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