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  1. Sorry about this, I messed up, the company is called Immediate financial and I have found them now, sorry.
  2. Thanks for all of the replies, dx100uk, I could not remember the name of the DMP earlier but it has come to me now they are called "Immediate financial", I have had my suspicions about this firm, lets see how they react to us wanting all the paperwork,accounting etc.
  3. Thanks citizen, we are having a face to face with our solicitor on Friday and I am going to instruct him to write to the debt solution company and tell them that we want all the paperwork that they hold on my Mother, and that he is not to pay them a penny until this paperwork ,any contract and possible insurance cover have been looked at, I think that this is the best possible course of action at the moment, I hope you agree.
  4. Thanks for the reply Brigadier, I have posted the problem in GENERAL DEBT ISSUES, Thanks.
  5. Could anybody tell me if they have heard of or dealt with a company called Independent Finance, as I am searching for them but can't find anything and Im thinking that maybe I've got the name wrong. cheers.
  6. Ok, My Mother passed away in march this year, since then my brother, sister and I have been waiting for the estate to be sorted out, to cut a long story short my Mother had some debt and she was paying a debt solution company a monthly amount to sort out her creditors , my Brother (executor) received a letter from one of the banks saying that 2 accounts that my mum held with them £5000 + in one and £14000 + in the other were being quashed due to my mothers passing, now our solicitor is saying that this money, almost 20k, has now got to be paid to the debt solution company, so,I have 2 questions,...... If the debt solution company had paid off this debt then why would we receive a letter from the bank telling us the debt had been quashed?, secondly if the debt solution company have not paid off this debt and were paying a small amount to the bank of what my mum was paying them monthly, then why is our solicitor saying that the 20k has to be paid to the debt solution company? any ideas would be appreciated thanks:|
  7. Hello all, just joined this site , its so informative so hoping to get some good advice from you all:-)
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