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Everything posted by Jaca1

  1. Hello, three months have now passed, due to various other instances my daughter is no longer at home. She has a referral order and hopefully getting some help with her problems. She is effectly homeless although because Social services refuse to house her is 'sofa surfing'. I hoping some time in the future she will be able to come home. The reason for me continuing with this thread is that we continue to receive letters from RLP, all have been ignored. the most recent letter states that if they don't receive payment within 21 days, they will wait until she is 18 and then write again for repayment proposals. Can the do this or is it just more threats in the hope that we just 'pay up'. I always understood that if action is taken against anyone then the action must be in line with the AGE they were when the so called action was committed. Am I right?
  2. Hi, my 16 year old has been in a lot of trouble recently shoplifting. Three weeks ago she was arrested for shoplifting , the police were called and she was arrested and as she has had all the warnings is being taken to court. Yesterday she was caught in another store, the police were called and she was brought home, the store do not want to prosecute, although the police said that they would be using the civil recovery route. Today, however a letter arrives addressed to her from RLP on behalf of Primark, apparently last week her and a 'friend' were caught shoplifting, police once again called, although I was not informed of this. Primark did not want to prosecute. The letter demands £174.39 which is apparently a joint demand with another person on a joint and several liability basis, although it does state that they are both liable to pay the full amount between them, it does not matter who pays the claim or in what proportion, provided it is settlet in full. I have no information on the friend, only that she is 19! I expect to receive at least two more of these letters from the other stores, I suppose they might wait till after the court case. My aughter claims she did not take anything from Primark, apparently it was the 'friend' and we are having an extremly hard time with her at present so please don't pre judge us. I have read other responces on this forum and the general concenous seems to be either ignore completly or respond deneying liability. As mentioned she is 16, not in education or work, so has no money available to pay these fines. Is it advisable to reply on her behalf, stating that she is a minor and stating we will not enter into any further correspondence with the company. Any advice would be appreciated.
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