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  1. Thanks again Thing is, I'd still like to keep the car, after all we've bought insurance for it, and road tax, and it's quite new on top of everything else. I know that cargiant are w*****s, but in this case I find Sytner to be much much worse, because they lied many times over and it has been excruciatingly uncomfortable dealing with them. Actually, the experience was a bit like visiting an Arabian souk on your own lol. As I was saying, I have yet to see a written invoice, which is just plain ridiculous. I know they are covering something up because a price cannot be one thing and then half of that the next day. It's pretty obvious the guy at Sytner wanted to pocket £2600 for himself, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. And he's still not giving up! The goal now is to shut Sytner up for good and charge us for what we actually owe, not five times more. Well, if all else fails, making a scene is my specialty, and I have a voice to put any heavy metal singer to shame, so whoever gets the treatment will walk around with permanent ear damage for the rest of their lives!
  2. Thanks for the answers. It does seem like the best thing to take the car back to the dealer, but that would be cargiant, so what should I do about the Sytner fiasco and the fact they are trying to get as much money out of it as possible?
  3. My husband bought an Audi TT on finance from cargiant in April '12. I am the second driver on the insurance policy. Cargiant talked us into buying their warranty and told us that it would cover anything that might happen with the car in the first 12 months. In September, the engine started shaking, we were both in the car, had to drive it to the nearest petrol station and call the AA. The AA guy did a quick diagnostic and said it was a faulty camshaft position sensor. He also said it would be the best thing to take the car to an Audi outlet for repair, so we searched for our closest Audi branch in London, which happened to be a centrally located Sytner. (The warranty sold to us by cargiant of course excluded the camshaft sensor.) We went there together, were promised that they would fix everything very quickly by a slimy salesman called X, who clearly had pound signs dancing in his pupils when he found out our address. I said I would leave my contact details as it is in general easier to reach me as I have a flexible work schedule and hubby is at work a lot. I did specify that I wasn't the reg. keeper of the vehicle. A week or so later, I was told it wasn't the camshaft and that they'd have to run another diagnostic which would cost £750. I said ok. They didn't know what was wrong for a few more weeks, then X called and said the cylinder head on the engine was broken and that it would be easier to just get a new engine and that because it was a mechanical fault which hadn't been brought on by incompetent driving or anything else Audi would cover 100% of the costs. The cargiant warranty people said yet again the warranty didn't cover the engine. A while after that, hubby&I decided to pay Sytner a visit as they still hadn't done anything, and were told by X that he had 'bad news'. The news was that all of a sudden, Audi had decided to cover 30% of the costs and we'd have to pay the rest, ie £5000. We never saw a written document stating the cost for parts, labor etc. My husband then called his finance company, and they in turn called X, then called hb back, saying that they had been told we'd have to pay £2400. X called hb and huffed and puffed defensively and angrily said it wouldn't have been necessary to call the finance company. Again, nothing happened, after waiting 2 months we got our courtesy car just because I screamed in the Sytner office so much they decided it would be better to get us a car pronto. I spoke to the manager and told her about the ridiculous customer service they had, and she agreed to deal with the case, but she dropped it after a while and transferred it back to the slimy incompetent X. None of the people I dealt with at Sytner ever bothered calling regarding the warranty, I don't know what they get paid for. Again, the finance company called and said they'd been told we would have to pay something over a thousand pounds. So there still was a discrepancy over the amount owed. They finally finished working on the car, but X called and said the timing belt needed changing (as if they hadn't been able to see that straightaway when stripping down the engine) and that it would cost another £2050. I am totally furious as there is an obvious [problem] going on! This is so dodgy it's unbelievable! Sytner never showed us a document of any kind, or an invoice clearly breaking down costs, nothing! How can a legit dealership treat their clients like that? What are we supposed to do now? There is no way I'm lining X's slimy disgusting pockets with money!
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