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  1. Hi Many thanks for your reply. I've also been thinking that if they start to hassle me about it could I not just say 'Yes I may well have taken out PPI but I was fully aware of what the product was and it was in no way mis-sold to me and to claim otherwise would be fraudulent'? Regards Rich.
  2. Hi all First post, so please be gentle! I just wanted to ask some advice about a letter I got from Debt Free Direct the other day. I'm in an IVA with them which finishes in May next year (thank God!). They've sent me a letter which states that I am obliged to send off my details to a company called Equity in Finance in order for them to look in to re-claiming PPI. One paragraph of the letter particularly annoyed me: 'We would refer you to the Terms and Conditions of your IVA which state that one of your duties is to, "do all things as the Supervisor reasonably requires". The return of your PPI pack is caught by this clause.' The letter then went on to say that they will phone me soon to ask why I've been so naughty and not returned the pack. Surely this is not right? How do they know I ever took out PPI? Or indeed that, if I did, it was mis-sold to me? This seems to me to be a last ditch effort to cream a last few quid out of me, with Equity in Finance paying DFD a nice little commission for referring me. Anyway, what I wanted to ask is can they legally compel me to return this PPI pack or is it all just bullying tactics so they can make their commission? Any advice gratefully received. Rich.
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