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  1. Might try this as Tesco have given my ex directory 'phone no. to TNS market research who never leave you alone apparently!!
  2. We have a similar problem (different company) but the 5 year 'cover' is not yet half way through and yet I was told over the 'phone that the problem was wear and tear! Seems the back of my head has made the colour 'peel' from the headrest part of the recliner chair! None of the other leather chairs I have owned (or still own) have ever had this problem! Reading the advice given here I wondered if I too should get an independent report - or would trying to prove such things prove more costly than it is worth (maybe I am the only one who can answer that!). Would you advise writing to the company first and telling them that this is what I plan to do as they are not bothering to 'look' and evaluate the damage for themselves?
  3. Just had to comment on this one even though it is so long ago - having problems with a leather chair I bought from Cousins and even though I don't usually like to do it I also purchased 'protection' insurance - yes you guessed it! Even though the problem is obviously a problem with the dye on the leather it is classed as 'wear & tear'! If I had urinated on the chair or spilled red wine on it I would have been covered! LOL! No not there yet! Reading this made me think "do I really want to go to court - lots of bad reviews about Cousins and their customer service that I wish I had read BEFORE I shopped there so serves me right for not taking my own advice! Keep up the good work guys, wish I wasn't too old and tired to go for it so I would have something more 'positive' to post on here!
  4. Well did as you suggested - no reply as yet! Well it is Christmas and we know that as we have now received an early Xmas present in the form of two further 'letters' advising that my sons (ex) current account (overdraft just over £470) has been passed on to Apex Credit Management ?? anyone know them? AND his Credit Card account (also frozen under the previous aggreement) (approx £685) passed to CapQuest (I saw they are a South African firm???) good to know they think the 'poor' of Britain still have some cash to extract!! Need to ask for statements etc. (no communication from Lloyds for years despite them writing to say they have been unable to agree a suitable payment plan! Understandable if my son thought his 'token' payments were still acceptable and they did not tell him otherwise!) So now 4 to deal with Child Maintenance (of course priority and I shall make sure this is up-to-date) TSB Loan/TSB overdraft/TSB Credit Card - would have been so much easier and cheaper for all if they had contacted him before passing things on - but of course that would have been the 'honourable' thing to do!! Would it be acceptable to offer Full and Final offer to the two smallest debts? (know this should not be the way but might make it easier to manage (or will paying just make them chase him even more? I cannot afford to offer enough to cover all!) Thanks
  5. Thanks so much - understood and 'will do'
  6. Thanks for that - has the Consumer Credit been updated now and so will I need to quote the 'new' Act?
  7. Thanks for the reply havinastella - are there template letters you rec. on here please?
  8. This is exactly what happened to my son. He was in a mess following marriage break up approx 2007, exiled from home, into flat with assc. costs - TSB talked him into Credit card and then gave him a loan to pay off arrears he got into after losing job! With assistance from CAB advisor set up payment plan (which included Priority debts payments CSA as wifey was taking money AND contacted CSA which said he was in arrears even before they contacted him! - still paying this with extra when he has temp. work, never claims any benefits as we help where we can to keep him sane). Cabot wrote - originally saying second letter and that he was already in arrears and that TSB had sold debt to them. TSB advising they had written to tell him of this action (No correspondence ever received) TSB said now cannot produce copy of original loan or (supposed) letter as now have no record relating to my son and he must ask Cabot for docs. Cabot letters escalated to threatening External Debt Collection Agent or commence legal action (with further costs as part of County Court Judgement) Also have his 'phone no. as he rang them before he spoke with me - he told them he knew nothing of the debt sale but if they left their bank details and it was legit he would agree a payment. He now receives many calls per day but does not answer. My son is effectively homeless so no charge on home worries (Divorce just completed and he made no claim on marital home) he uses my address as c/o address. Can anyone advise on what action to take? Should we contact TSB/Halifax for copy docs. or is this a waste of time now? Or should we ask for proof Cabot can legally ask for this debt (which reverted back to original amount owed before any payments made under agreement - plus my son does not have copy of original agreement or even any recall of % rates etc.) Thanks in advance of assistance
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