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  1. I was assessed early 2013 but ATOS did not require a face to face medical after they had reviewed my medical data , and spoken to the doctors treating me ,Thats what makes the whole episode so bizarre , I have never spoken to any ATOS employee ?? only dealt with them by mail and intermediaries such as DWP and my doctors.
  2. Since a major accident at work in 1992 , fell off a telecommunication tower fell 26m when a spar broke and my safety gear and harness also failed , i spent more than a year in hospital, and have had major problems ever since , i get full DLA and have one of the old green certificates ,
  3. I get incapacity , housing benefit , mobility , no ESA ?? I did get child tax cradits and CB for my daughter but she cant stay with me any more since September as i cant cope with her , she has gone to live with her mum overseas , I spoke to the Compliance man again by phone , and a he told me that ATOS were the initiator of all these issues recently , but he also stated that it was odd that my records also indicate that ATOS did not require me to have a medical assessment as i was deemed to ill and disabled to need to see anyone ???? they had access to my medical records apparently , may be i authourised that , This all seems wrong ?? He assured me that all is OK , although it may be that whilst i was ill recently i was still getting money for my daughter from Taxcredits as no one had informed them she was not in my care ,,, so i may have to make a repayment ?? but HMRC will get back to me .
  4. i have been on DLA with full mobility for 14 years due to severe leg and pelvic /back injury and diabetes and depression ,, i also have some sight problems that were recently improved by surgery I am 53 years old , used tp have a very good job as a senior engineer before my accident which was work related ,,, never got compensation for that as my lawyers screwed up and the employer went bust .
  5. The interview was not under caution and the letter made no mention of that at all ,,,,so i am confused about what was going on ???? the DWP guy said Atos were responsible for flagging up the ''isssue'' and that they had recieved ''unspecific information'' he said that i had nothing to worry about when the interview ended ,,,,, But I am not sur if i believe them ,,,its all a bit confusing and i am worried ,,im back to the hospital nrxt week for more treatment ,, By the way What is a SAR????
  6. I recently had a compliance interview with DWP , I have severe health and mobility and sight problems and have spent much of last year in hospital or in recovery ,, The DWP compliance officer said that ATOS had told them i was working !!!!! as a truck driver and that ATOS could prove it as they had been checking my bank accounts ????? I told the DWP compliance officer that ATOS were liars and I dont believe they have the powers to access my bank accounts ,, he tentatively agreed and said that all was OK after i submitted bank records etc ,,, but I am very worried and concerned as i dont understand quite what went on here ????/ 2 years ago i was approached by HMRC as someone was illegally using my NI number and identity as a farm worker in Lincolnshire ??? and also as a Diver ???? that was resolved after much stress and hassle .could these issues be linked any one know if i should persue this further ????
  7. thanks for reminding me , i am preparing a submission with my solicitor on monday , sad really .
  8. I arrived in the UK yesterday and called Norton today , Bike is still not ready and no firm delivery date. just more flannel , I have completely lost confidence and patience so I have cancelled my order and will commence recovery of my 50% deposit and interest , I will be ordering a new Ducati monster EVO 1100 soon for the spring at least they are in stock at the dealers .
  9. when i get back to Uk i will visit the factory ,see whats afoot , have a look around and then decide what to do
  10. I ordered a commando 961 in May 2010 paid a deposit then in july 2011 was asked to increase that to 50% as bike was in production ???? to be delivers within 4 weeks now dec 2012 and still not delivered !!!!!!!! It is only the case that i am working overseas this year that has stopped me from taking legal action to recover my money ,perhaps the bike will be ready when i am back in UK in march ??? almost 2 1/2 years what a joke oh and only communucation from them is when money required????? I notice that people who ordered bikes after me have had bikes delivered already , i phoned the factory last week but got no positive answers they said they would expedite my bike if i completely paid the other 50% in full ,i said no I will pay on delivery only. JCL
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