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  1. ill write them a letter with a copy of my br but still seems a bit stupid to me. as far as im concerned there isnt a debt cos i went br so they wont get a penny out of me.
  2. i was nearly on the floor in tears when i read it. billy conolly coulnt write a gag as funny as that. i was tempted to let them take me to court over it and produce m.y bankruptcy order in court wast some more of their money.
  3. hi there got a bit of a thing here. Recieved a letter last week from a company called pace forward which was an address conformation letter didnt do anything about it just put it to one side. Today i recieved a letter from rockwell telling me they have been instructed be their client arrow global limited (never heard of them) about the above account(ill come to details in a min). Apparently arrow say my debt is suitable for litigation. Rockwell want payment in full in 10 days but if your unable to pay give us a ring. Now i turned the letter over and noticed that cheques are to be made payable to fenton cooper. A quick search linked fenton cooper, rockwell and pace forward to tessera credit services. No idea who this arrow global are though. Now the thing is arrow global say i owe them just over 6k and the original lender was mbna. I do not disupte that i owed mbna this amount of money i just dont understand why arrow want it off me now when in 2009 i went bankrupt and the mbna debt was part of the bankruptcy i thought that going bankrupt was the end of it all oh i was discharged in 2010. What id like to know is does anyone know what arrow are trying to achive with this also they must be extremely stupid to buy a bankrupt debt.
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