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  1. Hi no its my friends land lord and one of my school friends is interested I wpuldnt sell to them companies
  2. The lady in queation is the senior manager of her departmant her card says that. She is awful . Im feeling better knowin that I can apply again also aware the judge may say no.i just want my chance to explain. I will wait for the date an apply. Im currwntly intalks with someone who may buy to let with a five yr contract so fingers crossed for that. Thank u for your help an for making mless stressed
  3. Would it be worth contacting the court to see if a date has been set yet
  4. Someone I know went through similar situation and asked her mortgage company if shw could extend her mortgage over 20 yrs and they did that could that be an option
  5. I took my letters with me and she read them . After she finished she said thats it your out why have u done his. She then proceeded to say its has been applied for there is no way you can get the n244 its to late. She rang solicitors on my behalf and im not sure what they said but she came off saying warrant has been applied for . I donr like dealing with her I tried to say the.letters I had are the same as last time and the solicitor said if mrs failed that I would be back.in court to have the norgan terms agredd she didnt know.what that was an still said you cant they will lock up and have you out ; ( Got myself in a state in there
  6. Im offering 80-90 ontop of mcp. Arrears are 12k
  7. Ok ty atm my main concern is the warrant and if I can put an n244 inor not. Once that is sorted I will definitely claim these back
  8. Brill so iI could claim it all back which will bring arrears down.
  9. Hi No never done that im pretty sure they have been charging me per month though. Im just stuck at what to do now. .can I get another n244 or have I lost my chance. The lady from council told me I have no optionbut to walk away as they will come an kick me out. She wants me to go back tomorrow with a payment plan soshe can help me
  10. Hi I had got advice last yr about my mortgage with kensignton. I had an susspended order given and failed to si i applied to court againay £20 so the so was broken I went backto court in feb this yr I did everything I was told and I had been told to apply for mrs scheme by shelter. The judge granted the so untill mrs was sorted only in aug I found out it wasnt happening. Ive recieved a letter stating that an application for a warrant has been applied for and I will receive it in the post. So I took myself to local housing and she told me I wouldnt be able to do the n244 form again . Is this the case or can I do so. Im at my wits end with this company. Any help would b much appreciated . Thanks polly xc
  11. hi just an update i got aan 8 week ajournment to apply for mortgage rescue scheme , i would just like to thank each and everyone of you that has helped me especailly ell-en its been quite an emotional time but i can now see light at the end of the tunnel a long way to go yet but theres a little glimmer,, without this group i wouldnt know where id of been so a huge thank u xxx
  12. thank you i will do both buy back would be great and would result in bein stress free and i know it can told a while i will make the payments as i have proposed and look into the buy back would. im so glad i found this group i know ive not been the easiest of people but finally got my head on and started understanding it all. i just want too thank u all . will let wot know the out come
  13. or should i leave it and carry on with the plea which was drafted up by Ellen
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