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  1. Well I guess it pays to be persistent. Today I received, quite quickly, two emails. 1st from UPS-SPAIN Customer Service After several conversations, we are going to leave the cost matter in UPS UK power, as the account used for this shipment is an English one. If you give me a date when you are at the delivery address, or provide me an alternative place where to give you the goods, I´ll do my best in order our package centre to make both shipments delivered, as soon as possible 2nd from UPS Customer Relations (I think from USA) Thank you for your response. If you receive a invoice for the charges, please let me know and I will see what I can do to issue a credit. I'll post an update once I get my packages back and if there is any invoices
  2. Hello can anybody help or suggest,* I'm British living in Spain.* On 16 November I paid to a company I found on ebay to transport two packages from Spain to UK. The seller had good feedback on the site so I decided to contact him.*Although the ad states that this is a UPS service from UK to Spain I wrote to the seller asking if it was also possible to send packages from Spain to UK. He assured me*that indeed this was the case.*So in Nov 16th I ordered two parcel UPS services. On 19 November I was sent two tracking numbers and told that my packages will be*collected on the 20th Nov. The packages were collected but when they arrived in UK the receivers refused delivery since there was a carriage charge in the amour of*£254.29 for the first package and £96.02. There should have been no charge as this was not part of any agreement with the company i bought the carriage from. I first*contacted that company on 21 Nov about the first package and was told not to worry that this is a mistake. Then for a while I have been getting continuously reassuring*messages from them in the same spirit "don't worry they made a mistake"… * Finally I started to call UPS in UK myself and was told that the*account that generated these shipments was in fact suspended. I contacted *the ebay company with this information which was denied. I verified it again with UPS and was told that it was true. UPS also told me that this transportation was produced by generating a return. ** Then on November 23 I wrote to UPS*Customer Service (custsvcesen@ups.com) and to UPS Fraud (fraud@ups.com) providing the information I am providing for now with more detail of course *tracking numbers etc…). I have offered to send all the correspondence, invoice, and proof of payment.* I did receive replies from Spanish Customer Service.*The replies in general showed that my emails were not carefully read. Despite my frequent requests for careful reading there was constant confusion and I*was being told to sort the matter with the original ebay company. On another occasion I was told that it was the receiver who was at fault. On yet another occasion that the packages could not be delivered due to my refusal to pay custom duties; custom duets within the EU?! All in all Customer Service did not pay any*attention to the content and were answering their own questions and not mine. And showed no desire to carefully look into the matter. The predominant tone*was that this is my problem and sort it out with the ebay company despite frequently explaining that it was that very company that perpetrated this fraud in the*first place and they were not cooperating. * Although the parcels are being returned to Spain. I asked Customer Service about the charges that has been incurred due to the original action of the ebay company and forwarded evidence of fraud, with my email, and insisted that my email be read carefully. The reply that I received did acknowledge *that I have been deceived *but that I was still responsible for the charges and that UPS-Spain will bill me. On the whole it appears that Customer Service has little interest in investigating what has happened through the use of online UPS system and prefers to blame and penalise the victim who is myself in this case. So today I sent an email describing what I've said above to Jim Barber (jimbarber@ups.com) and to Cindy Miller (cindymiller@ups.com). Jim Barber is supposed to be the UPS-Europe CEO and Cindy Miller UPS-UK regional manager. I got these emails from googling not sure if they are correct since one to Cindy Miller bounced. So here I ask you all what else can I do. I do not intend to pay these charges since one I did not do it and my particulars were used to enter them on UPS site. Secondly the worth of the goods in the packages is far less than these charges.* I have already informed ebay, PayPal and sent also an email to UK police. One of the annoying things is that someone more senior in the UPS-Spain Customer Service seemed to have gotten involved and she sent an email to someone internally and somehow I was CCed in. I'll copy it bellow with google translate as well (I removed identifying information) * ** *********************************************************************************************** *********************************************************************************************** FIRST GOOGLE TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH Good morning, Pepe and Eloy, and Rosa and Isa. Sorry pasaros long story, but I think you must be aware, because the client will go on and on, I'm afraid.;I make a summary, the better. This Mr XXXXXXX, consisting as sender and 1Z9XXXXXXXXXX 1Z9XXXXXXXXshipments, Spain, England, sent postage due in charge of a bill, unfortunately, is canceled or blocked. For this reason, not delivered and UPS-UK investigation opened EIR DI-IS requesting intervene to resolve the issue. Finally resolved EIRs requesting the return of the goods. According to our payments process, since shipments were not charged to the recipient, it is assumed that the sender will have to pay both the service and the way back. This man takes days writing to our website, as you can read in the exchange of e-mails below, trying not charge you anything. It is based on who has been deceived by a company called "XXXXXX" to which he "allegedly hired to ship their goods. He insists that he at no time agreed to our systems, but was this company that took care of everything and since have also understood that UPS committed fraud, and that included a nonexistent account, we investigate the situation and get payments from that company and not his. The track -032, was returned to the 1Z9XXXXXXXX, already arrived in Spain and, after having made three delivery attempts, they have retained and opened EIR to U *seeking resolution. The track -028, was returned with 1Z9XXXXXXX, and is in transit to Spain. I guess I have not yet left the bills but, as when they leave the customer already has indicated in writing that they intend to pay anything, I think you should know in Billing / Collections, by the issue of default and DI, and who are involved in EIRs through. Rosa, you maybe interested intervene before delivery, as almost certainly to Spain shipments in principle reach them free of cost, but the bills go on afterwards. The same should hold shipments for Collections pressure could do more in getting the payment. I leave it in your hands. From Customer Service, and we told the client on several occasions about the situation and that we can not, or give further explanation or help any way you want, that is, by not >>having to pay anything. *********************************************************************************************** ORIGINAL SPANISH* Buenos días, Pepe y Eloy, y Rosa e Isa. Lamento pasaros esta larga historia, pero creo que debéis estar advertidos, ya que el cliente va a seguir y seguir, me temo. Os hago un resumen, mejor. Este Señor,XXXXXX , consta como remitente de los envíos 1Z9XXXX y 1Z9XXXX, España-Inglaterra, mandados a portes debidos a cargo de una*cuenta que, lamentablemente, está cancelada o bloqueada. Por este motivo, no se entregaron y UPS-UK abrió investigación por EIR solicitando que D.I-ES interviniera para dar solución al asunto. Finalmente los*EIRs se resolvieron solicitando la devolución de la mercancía. Según nuestros proceso de pagos, dado que los envíos no fueron cobrados al destinatario, se supone que el remitente tendrá que abonar tanto el*servicio de ida como el de vuelta. Este señor lleva días escribiendo a nuestra web, como podéis leer en los intercambios de e-mails de abajo, intentando que no le cobremos nada. Se basa en que ha sido engañado por una empresa llamada*"XXXXXXXX" a la que supuestamente él contrató para el envío de sus mercancías. Insiste en que él, en ningún momento accedió a nuestros sistemas, sino que fue esta empresa la que se ocupó de todo y, dado*que entiende que también han cometido fraude con UPS, ya que incluyeron una cuenta inexistente, debemos investigar la situación y conseguir los pagos de esa empresa y no de él. El track -032, se devolvió con el 1Z9XXXXXXX, que ya llegó a XXXXX y que, tras haber hecho 3 intentos de entrega, lo han retenido y han abierto EIR a UK solicitando resolución. El track -028, se*devolvió con 1Z9XXXXXX, y está en tránsito para XXXXX. Supongo que aún no habrán salido las facturas pero, como cuando salgan el cliente ya nos ha indicado por escrito que no piensa pagar*nada, creo que debéis saberlo en Facturación/Cobros, por el tema del impago y en D.I, ya que estáis involucrados a través de los EIRs.* Rosa, tal vez os interese intervenir antes de las entregas, ya que casi seguro que a XXXXX los envíos, en principio, les lleguen libres de gastos, aunque las facturas salgan a posteriori. Igual convendría retener*los envíos para que Cobros pudiera hacer más presión a la hora de conseguir el pago. Bueno, lo dejo en vuestras manos. Desde Atención al Cliente, ya le hemos dicho al cliente en distintas ocasiones cuál es la situación y que nosotros no podemos, ni darle más explicaciones ni ayudarle de la forma*que quiere, o sea, haciendo que no tenga nada que pagar. *********************************************************************************************** *********************************************************************************************** To me the translated text does not sound very helpful or wishing to help, I hope it is just google translate, I don't speak Spanish. SO PLEASE HELP WITH YOUR SUGGESTIONS OR IDEAS.* Thank you all in advance
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