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Everything posted by ha409

  1. ha409

    Knowhow no good.

    I just want to tell you guys about my experience with Knowhow. After collecting the laptop from KnowHow (keyboard failure), I realized that a screw was missing from the top left side of the frame. Long story short, couple of months passed and my laptop frame started to come from the side the screw was missing from. No biggie. I called them and told them that they forgot to place the screw back, They took my laptop but then lied to me and told me it was repaired, it was return to me with a letter from Gary Peryment, who said I abused my product. What made the situation ever worse was that my laptop was more damaged than when I sent it off to them:-x. It was not turning on, the motherboard was cooked and there was a coffee cup stain on the lid. I was curious to know why it returned to me completely damaged with cup stains on the lid of the laptop/ So I kept telling Gary Peryment what happened. What made the scenario more strange was that they wrote me a letter stating they forgot to put the screw back in. I called their customer service team about a number of times and each time they were pathetic . Could not provide me with single answer other then only Gary Peryment can solve this situation. The only way I could get any information was through the post, as if we are living in 1900. No telephone and email. A company which sells technology. After three months, which included four letters and taking my laptop to been seen by a IT engineer who sided with me. I got a call from an independent investigator who sounded clearly shocked by their behavior. Even though he said that, I always knew he would side with them as he was hired by them. Another refusal and I thought to give up. By luckily I did not. I sent them a letter before action. After refusing to fix my laptop, I went onto the small claims website. I claimed for £500,it costed me only £35 and if i win I get the £35 back. So after two weeks, they acknowledged my claim. Giving themselves an extra two weeks to make a decision. I waited and on the final day they put in a defense. It was a shame as I would have enforced a judgement. Their aim, I guess was to dishearten me. I finally spoke to one chap in the legal department, who understood my complaint and acknowledged their wrongdoings. we negotiated me a good price of vouchers:-D and I was happy to end this. Even though it was difficult, the only time they will pay out is when they are being taken to court, SO DONT GIVE UP!!!!! I been without a laptop for so long, I dont know what to so with it.
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