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  1. I didn't say I was "just" sending the form, I said I had just downloaded it to send ....as in I had just that minute downloaded it. I wasn't being flippant in anyway. I have read your attached guides and realise its not a simple procedure.
  2. Oops, forgot to add, Do I send 2 separate CCA requests seeing as there are 2 mail order debts or can it be just one to cover them both? Thanks. and sorry!
  3. Hi and thanks for your replies. I have just downloaded a PPI Claim Form and I'm sending it off to the Personal Loan people who are still showing on my credit file. That may help if I can get any of it reimbursed. I hadn't thought about the PPI that was attached to the loan until I came across the company on my file. So some good may come out of this after all! I'm not sure how to go about getting the information removed from my credit file for the personal loan that shouldn't be showing on there anymore (the default was in Mar 2006), do I write to the lender or to the CRA? I can't tell you how much this is helping, Thank you so much.
  4. Sorry, I have one more question. When we owned our own home, we had a mortgage and a personal loan secured against the property. We defaulted on both. When we sold the house, they were both settled at the same time. However, the mortgage no longer shows on the credit file but the personal loan does, although it does show as settled. Will that stay on file until 6 years after the final settlement payment was made? Or from the date of default? And why has the mortgage disappeared from the file? Its all a bit confusing.
  5. I emailed Littlewoods back asking if they could provide all the information I asked for by post to the address they already hold on file for me and they said this was not possible and that I had to telephone them. Well what a waste of time that was. Because I didn't have the original account numbers, they weren't prepared to do anything. Should I send a CCA request? If so, who should I send it to, Littlewoods or Arrow Global? And I really appreciate all the advice being given, Thank you.
  6. We didn't receive any paperwork from the court but it is showing on the credit file. I rang the court and they sent me N244 form by email. I sent it off by recorded delivery and now I'm waiting for the outcome of that.
  7. I sent a CCA request for the CCJ debt and also for the Cabot Financial Credit Card debt.
  8. No, we didn't receive anything. After reading about this company on here, I'm beginning to doubt whether they even sent the forms to us like they said they had. Littlewoods replied by saying they couldn't provide details unless I had the account numbers (which I don't).
  9. Bryan Carter also sent me a letter to say that a CCJ had been issued against me for a debt with Arrow Global for £240.00. I didn't know anything about this and so I contacted the court and asked for the judgement to be set aside. I'm still waiting to find out if thats happened or not. I'm finding it very therapeutic to write all this down, so thank you for that.
  10. I'm not sure if I should post all the details of each debt on this thread or should I start a new thread for each debt (not sure if that would be even more confusing!) Arrow Global - Mail Order Default Date 10/02/08 Default amount: £168 Start Date: 28/11/05 I also sent a letter to Littlewoods asking for date of last payment. Credit Card Cabot Financial Default Date 31/07/07 Default amount: £366 Started: 06/06/06 I don't know anything about this one. I cannot remember this at all so I don't know who the original creditor was.
  11. Arrow Global - Mail Order Default date: 10/02/08 Start Date: 28/11/05 Default amount: 607 This was originally with Littlewoods. I have wrote to them asking for full details of the debt and the date the last payment was made. I don't believe the information is correct. My memory is very poor so I may be wrong but I think that Arrow Global have shown the default date as the date they bought the debt and not the true default date.
  12. Sorry, one more question. Does a debt show on the credit reference agency file 6 years from the date of default or from the date of settlement? Thanks.
  13. Hi, I am new here and hope someone might be kind enough to give me a little advice. I have recently been inundated with letters from debt collection agencies chasing years old debts after I obtained my credit report. If I give you a little of my background to make my situation clear, I am currently unable to work due to a disability. I had to sell my house in 2007 because I could no longer work, but rented it back from the buyer. I receive Housing Benefit but because my adult children left home, I now have to find a shortfall in my Housing Benefit to make up the rent whilst we are looking for somewhere else to live (although this has proved difficult because we need a bungalow and are on benefits no one wants to rent to us - so far!) We still have an 11 year old at home. we have to find £150.00 per month out of our benefit to pay towards the rent. Due to the governments review of benefits, we have had a reduction in Disability Living Allowance and now receive £82 per month as opposed to £237. To cut a long story short, we just don't have enough money to pay everything. Due to my neurological health issues, I cannot return to work at the moment or for the forseeable future. My husband is also physically disabled through a work related injury. I ordered a copy our credit files to clarify what debts we still owed. I had thought we settled everything after the house sale went through but it now appears that some companies are still chasing for money. We have suddenly received several requests for settlements of debts still owed. There just isn't enough money to pay everything. I have prioritised by paying the rent and energy and water providers, but there isn't enough money left to buy enough food and clothing, let alone pay off these debts. I am at my wits end, and the stress of it all has a further negative effect on my illness. So much so, that suicide had crossed my mind. I know that its not an option as my husband and children will still be left to sort this all out, but on a really low day, I had thought that it was the only option left. (I have come to my senses now) We've sold everything we possibly can to try and get through, there's nothing left to sell. I'm not looking for sympathy, just trying to paint the full picture. Can anyone offer any good advice to help me sort this mess out, please? Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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