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  1. Santander aparantly but I've never seen any paperwork or agreements, he just transferred the money to my account
  2. Not sure of the bankruptcy yet, our house is on the market at £39k less than its value, so we will have to make up the shortfall, it may be our only way out
  3. That would be great thank you! Indeed, screwed by friends! He is also my youngests godfather and was the best man at my wedding, we never had a falling out and I don't understand where it all went wrong. Whats annoying me more I guess is the fact that he told me he had thought about sacking me a few months back as we were not making as much money as he had hoped, yet still gave me the £7k loan knowing he would sack me. If I hadn't cleared the debts with that 7k, they could be included in the bankruptcy but im not sure this one can.
  4. I forgot to mention I have 4 kids at school (12, 6,6,3 yrs old) and a wife who has a mental disability and cannot work at present. So money is always tight at the best of times,
  5. Yes, after paying me my last wage, he asked why I had not sent the money that month for the repayment, I replied "im out of work now, what am I meant to live on" as my benefit claim was delayed as I was self employed and had to prove I never gave up work... I heard from him in November 2012 asking if I had a job yet, I replied no and he went off on one, saying I was taking the **** and he would want the whole amount paid in full as soon as I found a job by getting a loan and paying it off immediately.....fat chance of that with my credit rating being so bad now
  6. Hi DD No contract, he insisted I went self employed and he would pay me each month. I worked the 3 months notice and he paid my wage each month and after that stopped doing anything and left the website. he changed passwords and removed me from admin etc. Thanks a lot
  7. Hi all In Sept 2010 my then best friend offered me a job knowing how much I hated my old one that I had been doing for 14 years. He offered me a job and told me to leave the old one and not to worry at all. I said yes, left the old job and started working with him as a manager for his online site and we agreed a salary and to review this yearly with a wage rise to be agreed between us both at the time. I was happy, left my old role and started working for him. in Sept 2011, I mentioned the wage rise he promised and he said that the company wasn't performing as well as he thought and didn't give me a raise at all, saying it could not be justified, I accepted that and never brought it up again. In April 2012, we as a family got into financial trouble and needed help, my boss/friend offered to get a loan for me in his name and we agreed to take it off the salary each month for 5 years to pay it back. The loan was for £7000 and my immediate debt worries were sorted. In May 2012 my father died and I took a few days off, came back to my work and continued as normal, finding it a distraction from what had happened, 7 days later, he sacks me, VIA MSN Messenger! Giving me 3 months notice. I was devastated, I had left a 14 year career and now was left with nothing to fall back on, I struggled to find work for 11 months and on April 30th 2013, had our family home repossessed as we had not got any help to pay the mortgage, we have been left in a major shortfall with the mortgage and other debts and we (wife and I) now face going bankrupt as neither of us have a job yet, despite nearly 400 applications being sent (3 jobs were screwed by references, co-incidence? or nastiness? I don't know, but when I ask to see the reference, the company reply with "the person who wrote it would not give permission to show you" I have a feeling its him, but cant prove it or think of a reason why he would do it. I have now found a part time job, just about breaking even each month and cannot afford to pay anything back whatsoever to any creditors as we just don't have a penny to spare. My question is what to do next. He has started to message me (haven't heard from him since August last year) saying he wants his money etc, where do I stand? What should I do? I know morally I should pay him his money when I get in a position to do so, but legally, theres no signed agreements, no loans in my name and the way he screwed me over a month after giving me the money in the 1st place has left me very peed off to say the least. What would you do?
  8. Compensation would be nice, I lost the 1st job through the ccj and a 2nd job was scuppered when they asked if I would pass a credit check, i had to say not at the moment and explain, they said re-apply for a job when its cleared. Also, thanks Andy again!
  9. Hi Guys Received the papers from the court saying the judgement has now been set aside and i owe nothing and all done with. Now.....how do we get this cleared off my credit file? is it done by the courts or do i send a copy to the credit reference agencies?
  10. Hi Guys Update on whats happened: In the 2nd week of december I received a court date of 24th Jan 2013 at Newcastle to argue the case. Today though I received a letter from Wescot SPV which states this: So....what should I do now....my aim was to have the judgement removed and cancelled, this looks like it will happen so I should be happy. But now Im wondering if I should be looking to claim against them for costs and compensation because I have been refused employment due to the judgement (i have a letter stating this off the company I applied to) I also was refused a current account off Halifax bank due to negative credit checks. So guys.....what would you do now?
  11. It was Northampton County Court that issued the CCJ. Ive done a lot of googling the last few days and it seems that this is a particular ploy by Wescot. They send the documents to incorrect addresses and file at Northampton for a speedy decision, they always win because people cannot defend themselves as they know nothing about it. Hope that Newcastle give me a date to sort this out asap
  12. Hi Andy I have no documents whatsoever. I got the information regarding the CCJ off the company I was hoping to work for and contacted Wescot regarding it. It was them who told me it was from a Co-Op debt in 2007. I got reference numbers and filed the Set-Aside documents and thats been dealt with saying Newcastle Court will issue a date soon. I asked Wescot for all evidence, any signatures, any documents to be sent to me as I had received nothing prior, and they haven't been in touch since. Graeme
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