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Vieil Homme

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  1. It must be Christmas the season of good will and all that as today I had a letter from the expletives removed reducing the payment if it is paid within the next seven days. They also go on to say I can visit their web site to view a selection of CCJs that they have obtained against people who have ignored their correspondence. debtrecoveryplus.co.uk I would love to know what part of NO FURTHER CORRESPONDENCE WILL BE ENTERED INTO don't they understand.
  2. Are you not allowed to be 10% over the speed limit + 2mph before any prosecution. This allows any discrepancy in your speedo however it is calculated but that is the limit. Years ago when we had miners (remember those days) the leader of the miners union was done for speeding. His defence was the cruise control in his jag was faulty, his speeding fine was quashed.
  3. OOPs I have just drafted: Dear Sirs: Further to your letter dated xx/11/12 Ref xxxxxxxxxx I write to inform you I was not the driver of xxxxxxxxxx on that day and time so I have no contract with your client so owe no money or the exorbitant other charges that have been added. I have written informing them of this fact and advising of my charges for dealing with this matter. They have now incurred further charges as laid out in my first reply. As your Client does not understand, I hope your company can grasp the situation being any liability to your company or your client is denied. No further correspondence will be entered into. Cheeky explitives state in their letter: The BBA code of practice states that "the courts do not look favourably on motorists or consumers who try to withhold information from operators.... have they not heard of data protection
  4. This will only remove the lime scale in part and may help with the smell but not remove it as a solution of Bleach will, well it will kill 99% of the smells, Im working on the other 1%
  5. While there are many reasons for a smell emanating from your sink plug hole when you run your washing machine or dishwasher the main problem is the water in the sump has got lots of muck/food stuck. A quick fix is to run a quick wash with a strong bleech solution. Do this once a month and your smell will be gone, well from your sink PS I is a working plumber and normaly charge quite a lot for this info.........
  6. I too have received a letter with two photos of my car coming in and going out of a car park, stating I was 2 hours and 15 mins in the parking area which was some 15min over the allotted time. The only problem I was not the driver of the car at that moment in time yet they are chasing me as the registered keeper. Grrrrrr I did send a reply to the company advising I was not driving the car and under data protection I am unable to furnish them with the driver on that day and time. I have since had two more demands for fines and late payment. Who do these muppets think they are? I have today received another letter from Debt recovery Plus Ltd advising of the charges of £148.99 and payment or they may pass it to their solicitor to commence Count Court proceedings. I do hope you can tell I'm shaking with fear While I have read the previous posts my question is do I reply or ignore.
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