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Everything posted by dg27

  1. Thanks for your quick response! I shall see how much joy I get.
  2. Hi all. Been doing a lot of reading on this forum and the advice and help is amazing. I'm hoping I can take advantage of some of this advice too!Does anyone know the relevant addresses for the following so that SAR's can be sent - enabling the SAR to get to the correct office and department. Each company lists several different addresses on their websites and I can see them using the "we have not recieved it/it must have gone to the wrong department" excuse to lengthen the already long 40 day period they have to respond. I have made a couple of calls and on each occasion, the member of staff does not know and gives me the main head office address - whcih may or may not be correct!EggBarclaycardVirginMBNACapital One.Also - does anyone know the correct name each £10 cheque should be made out to?Any help is very much appreciated - I can see this being a very long road to potential success! Thank you in advance.DG
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