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  1. zeddy

    It begins!

    Hi Just as an update, finally received my statements this morning (wahoo)! I was going to give them until this Friday before taking them to court after having sent the 2nd letter requesting the statements last week, but now they've arrived. I don't know, maybe they thought I'd give up or something! Anyway, now I am sitting down and working out how much they've (EDIT)from me over the years, it doesn't seem to amount to as large an amount as I thought, but that's good really. Also, I am surprised at how well I've actually been running my finances over the years! I thought I might hold off on my claim until I return from our week in Spain which we will shortly be embarking on, also because I will be having a 2 week period out of work with no money coming in after the holiday and before starting back at uni I am fairly likely to encure some more charges. Also I received the letter referring to my boyfriend's claim, from Barclays. They again returned the cheque and will be supplying statements free of charge. His claim is likely to be larger than mine - largely due to the fact that he is fairly rubbish with money! Moderated : Edited …please do not post anything that may be viewed as libelous , this is for the protection of the site.
  2. zeddy

    40 working days?

    Hi Brilliant, thank you very much. I will now mark up the expected date in my diary and prepare the letter that you send if they don't comply with the 40 days. Thanks for your help.
  3. zeddy

    40 working days?

    Hi Sorry, this has probably been asked elsewhere, but I have searched and searched and cannot find, so if anyone can help I would be very greatful! Basically I am waiting for Barclays to send me my statements (as they have informed me by letter that they will free of charge). Now I understand that they have 40 days in which to get them to me, but is this 40 working days or just 40 days including Sundays, Saturdays, poss bank holidays etc etc? I am itching to get the next stage of my claim underway becuase I am returning to university in September to train to be a teacher, so the money will be most welcome! Thank you to anyone who can advise on this.
  4. Hi I would just keep on at him myself that you think he is being a little bit silly about this. Offer to pay him back the rent over a period of time, something like #10 a week or something that you can afford and see if he agrees to that. Then say, or you could just keep the money from my deposit as full payment for the rent now. I agree with you that this seems a bit silly. I also thought that the deposit was there to cover if say a tennant ran off without giving notice and has not paid their rent. My Dad is a landlord of his Dad's old house and he regularly over the years has had bad tennants who simply don't pay their rent then do a runner. As he works full time he has never once persued it through the courts to reclaim the money owed to him. Anyway, that's an aside, but what I'm trying to say is that this is unlikely to go to court and should be something that you should be able to sort out quite quickly I would have thought. All my ex-landlords have been stubborn gits - must be something that runs in the genes!!
  5. zeddy

    It begins!

    Hi As I said I'd keep this thread updated with any progress I thought I had better let you all know what I received a response to my initial letter requesting the statements. It came about three days after I sent my letter and stated the ussual thing that everyone else seems to get about not having to provide some information and that they will give me statements as requested free of charge and giving me back my £10 cheque. So now I'm waiting to receive my statements in the post, hopefully soon! They have 40 days to comply with this right? Do the 40 days include weekends or anything like that does anyone know? Am going to get a claim started on my boyfriend's account with Barclays now as it looks like this is going to take a while to do!
  6. zeddy

    It begins!

    Hi! I thought I would just let everyone know that I sent my initial Data Protection letter off on Saturday. Hopefully Peter Townsend recevied it this morning so I'll give him 40 days from today to send me my statements. Hopefully this will get sorted out nice and swiftly, but as I am feeling rather angry at Braclays at the moment for regularly taking money from both mine and my partner's accounts, meaning that we often have not enough money at the end of the week to cover a bill to pay and therefore getting hit with charges elsewhere, I've decided enough it enough! I want my money back and Barclays I can be extremely stubborn! Hope they realise what's hit them! Thanks to all the people on this site for putting all the information that I need on here. The letter templates are a god send and all your experience and wisdom I have read about have given me the courage to do this. I'll keep this thread updated with any movement in this case.
  7. zeddy

    It begins!

    Thank you. I will! Hoping it's not some ligit name they will now be using to get away with charging these sums of money. Still I'm hoping this'll be the last charge they get off me...but I've said that before!
  8. zeddy

    It begins!

    Hi I couldn't find anything when I searched for this, so I hope I'm not duplicating something which has been talked to death by now. Basically on my Barlcays current account this morning I saw a charge for 'debit commission', they have taken #30 from my account. Is this another unlawful charge? I went #10 over my overdraft limit yesterday but when I was paid this morning they have immediatly taken #30 off my account. Is this another charge I can claim back for?
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