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Everything posted by junglejim74

  1. Hello again. Life goes on and I forgot to upload this letter. Either this is a genuine mistake or a sick attempt at impersonation. With a distant history of DCAs calling up relatives pretending to be a long-lost girlfriend, I'm leaning towards the latter. I've obscured anything relevant including an address I haven't lived at for 30 years, a hospital I've never visited, a GP surgery I've never been registered to, doctors I've never interacted with, a procedure I've never undergone nor a medical condition I don't suffer from. It's curious that there's no return email address. I'd be grateful for your opinion. I've no intention of calling the 0300 number whatsoever. Thanks in advance. nhs_letter1.pdf
  2. Hello. A letter was recently received at an old UK address (I have been living overseas for 20+ years). It looks suspiciously like a DCA letter, but it is impersonating a real NHS doctor giving me the impression I should call urgently about bronchoscopy results. If I had a bronchoscopy I think I’d remember it. Isn’t this fraud and how should I report this? Happy to upload letter after obscuring identifying details.
  3. I will be sending the SB letter tomorrow. Will let you know how I progress. Thanks again.
  4. Thanks renegageimp and citizenB, this is really lifting a weight off my shoulders. Is it worth sending a SAR to SLC as evidence of my statute barred defence, or just wait and see what Link's response is, if any? Sorry if advance if I don't appear to reply to posts very quickly. We're 12 hours ahead and fast asleep...
  5. Hello. I'm new to CAG forum. I'm hoping someone can offer some advice. I've been living in New Zealand for some 12 years. I've recently received a letter from Link Financial Outsourcing via the Mauritius Postal Service, headed "Notice of Sum in Arrears" stating I have arrears on balance of over £10,000 and accruing £30 (give or take) interest monthly. The letter does not state what the debt is for, but I'm assuming it's a student loan from 1994-98 that I took out. I also think the size of the debt has been greatly inflated although I don't have any paper work to prove otherwise. I haven't received any other letters. I would have expected to have received some sort of notification, but since my address is partially incorrect, perhaps it never arrived. My brother in the UK recalls giving my address to a girl over the phone who claimed to be a long lost friend several months ago. This probably would account for the incorrect address that they are using. I am in a quandary on how I should proceed. I haven't yet called either Link or SLC as I'm worried that I would hastily agree something I would later regret. I'm also concerned that if they had my contact details here, they would be calling in the middle of the night. I am in full-time employment earning a modest wage, but we recently had a new baby and I am currently supporting my family as the sole income earner. £10,000 is roughly $20,000 and it's money I just don't have nor hope to have any time soon. I am considering making an offer for half the amount as I could just about scrape that together from the little savings that we have, or negotiate some sort of payment plan with either Link or the SLC. After reading about the cavalier attitude of Link here, I'm beginning to think this might be an unwise course of action. I haven't contacted or been contacted by the Student Loan Company, for at least 10 if not 12 years. Am I right in assuming that since more than 6 years has passed the debt is statute barred and no further action can be taken by Link? We are hoping to return to the UK at some point in the future and so would like to have this resolved. Any advice on a course of action would be greatly appreciated. Offending article attached. By the way, there was no page 2, just an Office for Fair Trade advice sheet... [ATTACH=CONFIG]46476[/ATTACH]
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