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Everything posted by macctownlad

  1. Thanks for your reply . My payment was one week in full . 95.86. Ni think I will have to keep hold of it just in case . I hope your right but I can't see the dwp giving you money for nothing to be honest
  2. Title basically says it all really. I was due payment Xmas day, which I got on the 21st. No problems there . But I seemed to have got another weeks pay today . My next payment is only due on the 8th Jan . Any suggestions ?
  3. Hi.all, the email address I sent my email to.was.info@paydayexpress.co.UK. this is the one at the bottom of the website, had no reply as of yet , is there any other email address I.could send to . If anyone knows of one , would be grateful
  4. Email sent now . Which includes my circumstances of my injury , all proof that I can post them ie hospital discharge sheet , surgery consent form , proof of esa benefits pay. I have told them what I am able to pay in a payment plan . And to communicate by letter or email as I'm in no position to he able to communicate by phone due to medication I am on . My loan due date is 30th November , how long should I expect them to take before a reply . I have said I am willing to pay 20 pounds on this day . And have asked them to send me there banking details so I can make payment . And I have also asked for my credit agreement . Is there anything else I should ask . Thanks
  5. Ok cheers toptrapper , I just tried ringing them and was just ringing out , so will revert to email .
  6. Ok the bank have cancelled my the cpa on the account with pde, any money taken out of this my account will now be refunded .. I've now got to speak to pde and tell them my situation . I was able to cancel it over the phone if any one wanted to know . I don't need to cancel my card as the cpa comes in effect from today
  7. Thanks for reply , I thought they weren't allowed to touch benefits . I have 5 days before my next payment is due . If I tell them the situation and post my proof by recorded delivery , and tell my bank to put a stop on my account , then any money taken would be classed as theft . Ive looked thru other posters on here and because of my situation they can only take a nominal amount . I will be in touch with pde tomorrow morning to find out more . One question , can they take money before my due date
  8. Hi there all, just looking for a bit of advice regarding my pde loan, First of all , my circumstances.. I took out a payday loan for 300 pound , which was paid back no problem. This was for a new washing machine which was desperately needed . Over the next month I was short again during the last 2 weeks before my payday , I borrowed the same amount again (even though they offered me more) . Unfortunately during October I had to take time off work due to back problems, I had a week off work , then thinking I was fine as my pain went I went back to work . Because I took this week of work I decided to pay the interst only on my pde loan (87) . Hoping this would give me enough time and money to pay the full amount next time . On October 20 I fell down my stairs at home . My leg went from under me . I went to hospital as a precaution , due to some numbness that I had down my right leg . After doing a few tests they decided i should stay in for the night and have an mri scan the following morning, at the time it didn't seem an urgent case . Any way mri showed I had a cracked vertabrae and a disk was pushing in to my spinal cord . I got transferred immediately to Salford royals spinal unit and had to have emergency surgery to remove the disk and have screws and rods inserted to hold my spine together . I'm now on bed rest for 3 months , and had to leave my employment . During this time my partner recieved a message on my phone from pde, stating loan due on 31 Oct , I rolled the loan over again paying 87 interest. My situation now is due ti not being able to work and not being able to get sick pay from my company due to it being a charity based org. I had to claim ssp thru the government known as esa . I have all the proof if pde require , discharge sheet., medical history, copy of consent form , and proof of income from esa My question is surely my situation is covered by the severe illness qualification , so I must he able to sort out some repayment plan I really can't handle any kind off stress from these people. I've been reading somebhorror stories on here. This is the only loan I have , but I can't really afford the interest rate alone now . Fortunately I get paid from esa 2days before the payday loan comes out , so I can pay my bills and rent before . Am I right in thinking , due to being on benefits now I should only pay a nominal figure , as my situation and life have been turned upside down in the last month .sorry for long winded . Just wanted you to know the story . Any help would he really appreciated
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