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  1. Hi right i will pay them the loan plus 1 months interest and then cancel the standing order
  2. Hi it is the actual loan company that are saying i have to pay £560 i would only pay them the amount borrowed plus 1 months interest if i thought that N D R/Marshall Hoare wouldnt start the threatening emails and sending doorstep agents again
  3. Hi thanks for replying. I did offer the original loan plus 1 months interest but they said they couldn't reduce the amount and i had to pay monthly until the full amount had been paid. So if i was to pay them say £188 would that be legal or would they inform N D R / Marshall Hoare Bailiffs to chase me for the remaining balance
  4. Hi Speedy Dosh who i got the loan from have now accepted a monthly payment plan. The loan was £150 but they are saying i have to pay £560 is this right or could i just pay the £150 and then cancel the standing order
  5. Hi i am hoping someone can help me at present i am sitting here waiting for a return visit from a collection agent sent by Marshall Hoare Bailiffs the agent visited earlier and left a note to say they will be returning shortly. I contacted the company via a contact form on their website they have replied saying they cannot deal with my problem via email and i must contact the call centre which i am not wanting to do as it will cost a fortune. This matter is relating to a payday loan i took with speedy dosh and due to losing my job i could not pay the full amount i tried to offer monthly payments to no avail and now Marshall Hoare want £600 the original loan was £150. I have contacted oft they sent me a form to sign so that they could look into it. I heard nothing for a while but now this company is being threatening and demanding. Please help
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