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What should I do?

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Everything posted by What should I do?

  1. That makes sense Blonde bubbles as the system will need to flag up the record if another claim is made. Once an overpayment is repaid in full do you know if they ever revisit the claims & check earlier years? They already know that I can't prove my husband's whereabouts prior to 2011 & if I pay them a lump sum there is no way I can afford a further overpayment & repay the family loan.
  2. I do want to repay ASAP & hadn't considered them doing an attachment - I will call them as soon as I have access to the money & hope that will be the end of it. Even without the loan I would be able to increase payments & clear the debt within 2 years but don't want to be on their 'active' case list any longer than necessary! Thanks for replying.
  3. The money will be a loan from family so I will have to repay but without the annual repayment review! I have recently started work for another government department - do you think info will automatically be shared with them or only if they ask? It's taken a long time to get my finances/life back on track & now worry I could lose my job if it looks as though I committed fraud.
  4. Thanks, I don't (& never have) claimed any other benefits. If I repay a lump sum will I still be on their system? Who would have access to my file? What issues do you think will be caused by paying over a longer period?
  5. I have been repaying my tax credit overpayment (from 2011-2013) at an agreed rate for the past 3 years & have another 7 to go I may be on a position to clear the remaining debt with a lump sum payment in the next few months - does anyone know what happens then? Will I drop off the Tax Credits system? (I no longer qualify to claim due to income) or Will they assume I have access to endless cash & check claims prior to 2011 (they already know I can't prove an alternative address for my ex husband for this time) in the hope of reclaiming more money? Also, as I was charged a penalty will my records have a 'fraud' marking? I was told this by the overzealous caseworker who sent my enquiry letter but have read elsewhere that if Tax Credits consider it to be a fraud case they would have done an interview under caution. I really want to repay what I owe & never have to deal with them again but worry that by raising a lump sum I will trigger more interest.
  6. It seems unusual that they didn't automatically recover it from your following year's claim. Presumably this also means that HMRC cannot investigate that 'we believe someone else is living with you' for claim years that are now over 6 years old (ie, 2008/2009)?
  7. My letter was for 2011-2012, TCO closed my claim wef 2011 which meant that 2012-2013 was also included in the overpayment. When I called about mine they said they were only interested in the year stated in the letter so only give them the info they require for 2012-2013, they will ask if they want anything else.
  8. I had a call from HMRC last week regarding a review of my repayments of TC overpayment (I have been repaying for 12 months) - my circumstances mean that I cannot increase payments at the moment (I have not been asked for details of income etc) so they are to stay at the same rate for the next 12 months when they will review them again. Today I got a letter saying that if I did not respond within 7 days they will cancel my arrangement so I called again to check that they were aware of the agreement to leave my payments as they are - the lady I spoke to said it was fine & the letter must have crossed with my call last week. I have checked my repayment agreement & it clearly states the amount of my monthly payment, the date it will start & the date that the final payment is due - it doesn't state anywhere that I will be subject to an annual income & expenditure review (I agreed to repay over 10 years so that I didn't have to go through I & E). My understanding was that if I make all payments as agreed then there will be no further action so why are they now saying that they informed me there would be an I & E review every year? Are the TCO trying to 'scare' me into increasing my payments? If I am ever in a position to repay more quickly then I will - is this just a case of 1 office not knowing what the other is doing? (the repayment letter last year & demand to contact them this year have come from different places).
  9. Thanks - they just wanted to review my payments. I am paying repaying over 10 years & have an IVA so my payments will stay as they are at the moment.
  10. I have received a message from the TCO, the office is now closed but I called another number I had & the lady I spoke to said the message was from the overpayment department but she couldn't see why they had contacted me as my repayments have been received without any problems. I am repaying my overpayment over 10 years, could they be calling to see if I can afford to pay more each month? Is an annual review usual or should I be worried that it's something more sinister? I thought this was all sorted when I started my repayments but now feel sick again with worry just like last year.
  11. In that case it sounds as though they will work out your overpayment & possibly give you a fine - try not to worry, their priority is to get the money back.
  12. What info do they hold about you? Are they checking your case because your payments for 2012-2013 were based on your income only & your renewal shows income for you & your partner?
  13. I would explain about the IVA & offer them £20 a month which will take just under 10 years (I think!) if they don't accept it at least you can afford to increase your offer! I also said that when my IVA finishes I would look to increase my payments but I think I will try to save my IVA money & pay lump sums off the overpayment if I can ever afford to!
  14. I rang & they asked what I could afford to pay - I told them that I have an IVA so any spare money was paid to my creditors. I asked how long I could pay over & they said 10 years so I am borrowing the money to pay them until my IVA ends & then I can afford to pay back what I've borrowed & continue paying TCO. I could have given them an income & expenditure statement if I had wanted to pay back over a longer time but I just want it all finished with as soon as possible!
  15. Hi Foolmum - i am paying mine back over 10 years but it is a lot more than £2400. One of your previous posts said you had a letter to pay back £2190 so is this instead of £2190 or in addition to that amount?
  16. It will be fine - well, as fine as it can be in the circumstances! I was terrified about being prosecuted as I couldn't prove where my ex had been before he moved back in so I was worried that they would want previous years repaid aswell but all they were interested in was the years on their initial investigation letter. Unfortunately, our position seems to be a 'no win' situation - you can admit to being wrong & you have to repay or they dismiss your claim of being single & you still have to repay. I am repaying my 'debt' over 10 years which they were happy with (also have a penalty fine to pay but had lost the will to fight when I received that letter!) - good luck, let me know how you get on. Re prosecution - the only 2 cases I could find on the internet where people with 'single claims' had been prosecuted were when it involved an employee of the TCO & a Benefits Agency employee who dealt with TCO on a regular basis.
  17. From reading other posts where people have lived separately - you need to provide proof that you have paid all of the household bills & give them another address where your ex has been registered (which they will check). Also, check posts on Netmums - if you look back there a few people in the same situation as you (ie, have split from partners but can't afford to run 2 houses) so you may get more of an idea of what TCO have/have not accepted as being 'single'. As for the company you contacted I can't see that they can do anymore than you can - TCO will tell you what to provide & if you can't they will order a repayment, I'm not sure what any other company can change regarding the outcome.
  18. Elly19, I had a similar situation except that I had notified the TCO of our living arrangements & they said it was fine to continue my single claim. When my case was checked by Compliance I couldn't prove that I was single & we were linked by Council tax & the mortgage so I am now repaying 2 years worth of overpayment. Maybe someone else can advise of the best thing to do but in my experience they didn't want to know even though they had a record of me notifying then that my husband was 'lodging' here.
  19. As far as I am aware they will agree to repayments over 10 years without providing any income/expenditure info.
  20. Recent news reports stated that HMRC had a 15 day timescale for replying to letters but they only achieved this in a small percentage of cases! I had the same issue with them at the end of last year - they denied having a record of my call to advise of my daughter leaving college & I am now having to repay the money (although there were other issues aswell). Good luck with getting it sorted.
  21. You can do a quick check on their online calculator - if your joint income is over the threshold (& therefore you aren't entitled to tax credits as a joint claim) just phone up & cancel the renewal, don't worry about previous years at this stage & don't volunteer any more info other than saying your circumstances have changed & you are no longer eligible. I don't tink they will ask for any further details - the problems occur if you wait for them to select your claim for a check so best to get in first before they do!
  22. I'm not sure if they will offset a single claim against a joint one - when I asked they said they couldn't do it (only single against single or joint against joint) but I never know if I'm being given the correct information by TCO. If you declared your joint income would you still qualify for Tax Credits? If not, I would just call them to cancel the claim due to a change in your circumstances meaning that you are no longer eligible & leave it at that - if they want more info let them ask you, at worst you will be asked to repay but better to deal with it now before they do a Compliance check & find out anyway.
  23. I agree the award letters aren't always easy to understand - are you sure that the amount they are paying you for the rest of the year hasn't been reduced to take account of the overpayment?
  24. Sorry - didn't mean to make you worry about the Compliance officer! I sorted everything over the phone & wouldn't have had to speak to him if I had written to them but I just wanted to get everything sorted as soon as I could! He was just very abrupt & I think his attitude was due to the fact that he couldn't answer my questions so had no interest in trying to help - I don't think they have any idea how scary it is when you receive one of their letters & some of the information he gave me (re the amount of a penalty fine) turned out to be incorrect (I think he had been trained in a very specific area of work which didn't involve being able to communicate with the client - he had a list of questions to ask but had no clue on what happened after he referred it on to the overpayment team!). The 'overpayment' lady was lovely & checked several times that I was happy with the repayment amount, offering to call back the next day so that I had time to think about it. I really do think they are just trying to recover as much money as possible - it costs them money to take someone to court so the overpayment would have to be a substaintial amount for them to justify the court costs involved.
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