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Everything posted by JULI99

  1. Would love to come but will be at the Royal Free hospital Hampstead. My daughters finger got trapped in a door and nearly got chopped off. Fridays the day she has her bandages redone and hopefully sees her finger again. Will be thinking of you. JULI99
  2. I didn't even do a balance transfer. Have you read my thread about this? Basically they sent me a screen shot saying I had asked for insurance when I had applied on line for my credit card. Only thing is the screen shot they sent to back this up has my loan account number on it. This was taken out years later and I know I did not ask for insurance. I have asked for a copy of my credit agreement on the loan account and I have not heard a dickie bird. They are now in the "committed a criminal act" territory. I think they have been too clever by half am wondering which way to turn now. I do get the impression that they think we are stupid and a few "clever" words by them will scare us into giving up. It is the way that all their replys seem to suggest that we all owe them money and they will come after that money if we dare to take them to court. juli99
  3. Wonder if anyone can advise. I had a credit card with ppi added on every month but nowhere on the credit agreement or anywhere else was their even a mention of my having taken out insurance let alone signed authorisation. When I asked for proof I was sent a screen shot stating I had asked for insurance when I had applied for the credit card. On closer inspection the account number on the screen shot is for my loan account taken out years later. I know I did not ask for insurance on the loan account so I sent a cca letter asking for a copy of my credit agreement, the 12 working days + the following month have now passed. Would a call to Trading Standards be my next port of call, and what can I do about the thoroughly misleading screen shot they have sent me. Do I have any recourse over this as this was a clearly made up piece of work. Any help would be most appreciated. juli99
  4. Don't forget to add on the credit card repayment protector insurance that was added to a lot of peoples accounts without authorisation and mere £20 a time overlimit and late payment charges begin to look like chicken feed. I am after a handful of £20's and £1100 of insurance they took without authority. JULI99
  5. Looked at my credit file and can now confirm my Cap 1 card balance now stands at £0. Fantastic. 1 down 12 to go. Now more than determined to sort my finances out. Good luck to everyone. juli99
  6. JULI99

    Scrambled Egg

    My problem is if they would come after me for my loan. I would like to know are they able to counter claim on a different account. Otherwise it would be all systems go. As it is I am sending off my LBA later on this week that should give me a couple of weeks to do some more research. If you don't owe egg anything then I'd go after them big time. The fact that they are including the counterclaim threat in all the letters suggest that they have given up reading what people are actually writing and have taken to assuming that everyone of us is in exactly the same position. Seems Sainsburys are doing the same thing. They have had so many credit card disputes that when I came along disputing my bank loan the credit card section decided to defend the claim. Their defense being I do not have a credit card!!!!!!!! JULI99
  7. JULI99

    Scrambled Egg

    Having read around the site I get the impression that Egg counter claim if you go after them. This account is for my credit card which is in credit but I do have a loan with them under a separate account number. If I go after the credit card are they likely to counterclaim with the loan amount outstanding. Also what happens if I have done a CCA letter for my loan account asking for the credit agreement but the 12 days + 1 month has now passed and I have heard not a dickie bird from them. It is now incredibly confusing since they sent the screen shot with the loan account number on saying "I had requested" insurance but I know I didn't and nowhere on anything I have got from them says I did. It seems in their rush to prove I asked for insurance on my credit card they sent me a screen shot saying I asked for insurance but the account number on it relates to my loan account. Does anyone reckon they are making things up as they go along. If this sounds confusing I will take you thru it step by step. Any comments will be most appreciated. JULI99
  8. I sent a cca letter to a credit card company and to the debt collection agency on account of the difference between the amount outstanding the dca said I had and the amount outstanding the credit card company said I had. The 12 days expired then the following month came and went. I did remind them both that time was ticking but I heard nothing. Then after 3 months I recieved the credit agreement from the cc company and a letter saying that they had already sent the statements and the amount owing was £xxxx. I also recieved a letter from the dca saying that the cc company would send the credit agreement and the amount outstanding is £yyyy. Firstly, do I now carry on with my prelim letter followed by lba etc or because they are well over their time limit does this mean they have to do anything to reinstate this debt. I never took it further when they didn't send the cca agreement etc. Also I have traced the difference down to one payment that the cc company said bounced and the dca said was paid. Not too sure myself whether it was paid or not. Because the cc company said this payment bounced they defaulted me and handed the debt over to the dca who appear to state the payment went thru. Any comments would be most appreciated especially on whether to send my prelim and carry down that route and just work with the lower amount. juli99
  9. Recieved reply from my prelim letter from BM. Seems pretty standard but last paragraph states I have reached the end of their internal complaints procedure and do not feel that further correspondence with me on this matter will help resolve the complaint. Do you think I need to do an LBA or go straight to MCOL. Will copy letter out fully on Monday. JULI99
  10. I am just enjoying the peace and quiet. No phones ringing, no letters in the post oh bliss I wonder how long it is going to last. juli99
  11. Asking again as I think I was "invisible" for a while. (red dot in corner of message)
  12. JULI99

    Scrambled Egg

    Just recieved standard reply to Prelim letter. I am claiming a handful of £20 over limit charges but the main bulk of my claim is for refunding my credit card repayment protector which was set up without authorisation. Now I know they have not looked at this case at all and this is a standard letter because one paragraph says that it is Eggs policy to terminate the account if legal proceedings are issued and then goes on to say the customer will be obliged to repay any moneys owing and failiure to pay will result in a counterclaim etc... I am in credit and any counter claim would just push the money owed by them up further!!!!!!!!!!! Nice one Egg. Like Sainsburys might I suggest you read my letters instead of assuming what they say and giving out standard replys. juli99
  13. Thanks for that. Think I have sorted out the problem of why noone was answering, could have been because for some reason I was "invisible", red spot in bottom corner of message apparently. Think Sainsburys are so used to having to deal with people going after them for credit cards that they have not read my claim and just assumed it is a credit card. Though don't know where they get the name McCartney from. Thanks for answering. Glad I have cast off my invisibility cloak. JULI99
  14. Is there anyone out there going after a Sainsburys Bank Loan. Feeling a little nervous as all the rest of you seem to have got some offer by now, or at least an offer of some type. All I've got is who are you letters and we have no trace of you ever having a credit card with us. Don't know how to get thru to them that I have never had a cc but do have a bank loan and my name is not McCartney. Do wonder what they are going to say if it does get to a court appearance.
  15. JULI99

    Scrambled Egg

    Ah so thats what you're on about. Sorry but nearly always have caps lock on and then when you press "post quick reply" it always changes to capitals at beginning of word and then little letters following. No idea how you change it. Does It Really Annoy You That Much? Juli99
  16. JULI99

    Scrambled Egg

    Well Times Up For My Egg Loan. (you Know The One That Has Never Had Insurance Added On As Far As I Was Aware And They Were Aware But Then Screen Shot Sent To Say It Was Requested When I Asked For Proof Of Authorisation To Show I Had Requested Insurance For My Egg Card Taken Out The Year Before. Seems They Got Confused). Cca Sent 4th October 12 Days Up 23rd October + 1 Month Later = 23rd November. Have Found Reference To Another Loan I Forgot I Had With Them. S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) Going Off Tonight. I Wonder What That Account Will Throw Up. Juli99
  17. Barclaycard Have Now Committed A Criminal Offence By Not Sending Me My Original Credit Agreement. I Have Stopped Paying Them And Until They Send Me The Credit Agreement They Won't Be Getting Another Penny. This Is All Because They Would Not Send Me My Statements In The First Place. Completely Unbelievable. JULI99
  18. Well Allocation Questionnairre Filled Out And Taken To Courts. Sainsburys Also Have Sent In Their Aq. Next Stop Court Date. Do You Think A Letter To Sainsburys Bank Re My Loan To Tell Them That The Credit Card Department Have Taken Over Their Defense? Is There Anyone Out There? Juli99
  19. Cahoot Have Finally Found My Credit Agreement Some 2 1/2 Months After The Debt Became Unenforceable. Whats The Procedure Now? Do I Just Go Along With My Prelim Then Lba Etc? Juli99
  20. Anyone out there, feeling rather lonely. I do hate forms, they bring me out in a cold sweat. Have looked at the AQ template. Do I just copy that. The give details of any other information that you consider will help the judge to manage the claim, referring as necessary to any documents you might have attached. Bear in mind however that at this stage you need not attach all other documents which you wish the court to consider at the hearing. This is something you will later be asked to provide. Help how detailed should the details be, and what documents do you enclose and what do you leave out, and how do you get it all in the box. Breaking out in a cold sweat now just thinking about it. If anyone can refer me to a copy of what some one else put and what documents they attached it would make me feel better. HELP JULI99
  21. Anyone? Is the above what I put in section G. Do I have to write it all in the box on the form or can I put it on a separate sheet of paper? Simple yes or no will do, just get into a panic when I have to fill in any official looking forms. Any help will be most appreciated JULI99
  22. Thinking about sending the following letter Data Protection Act 1998 Subject Access Request Dear Sir/Madam National Insurance Number xx xx xx xx I have just recieved the letter stating I owe £xxxx in overpayments of tax credits. Please supply me with the calculations you have used to result in this figure If you are unable to supply this data then please be so kind as to confirm this in your response. I enclose the statutory maximum fee of £10. You have 40 days in which to comply. If there is specific information which you require in order to satisfy yourself as to my identity, please let me know by return. Can I use this type of letter on them? After thinking about this does anyone think you could use the law on unsolicited mail. Sorry if this sounds a bit vague but the rule where if a company sends you goods that you did not order you can keep them and they could not persue you for anything. If I fill out my forms correctly and they insist on sending me more money than I asked for surely that is up to them and not me. I did not asked for them to "overpay" me. Or do normal rules not apply to the Inland Revenue. juli99
  23. About to fill out allocation questionnaire. In Section G Do I put I am respectfully requesting that my claim be allocated to the small claims track. This issue is not a complicated one; it is an issue of fact and not of law. The issue is only whether the money levied by the Defendant in respect of its customer’s contractual breaches exceed their actual costs incurred. I am happy to pay their actual costs and I am surprised the Defendant did not counterclaim for these, because I would have paid them without argument. However, the continuing problem is (in common with the 100s of other cases currently being brought by other bank customers) that the banks refuse to reveal the details of their penalty-charging regime. As the banks have a fiduciary duty towards their customers, they have a duty to deal straightforwardly and in utmost good faith. Accordingly, I would respectfully ask that the court in this case, not withstanding allocation to the small claims track, order standard disclosure. I understand that it is in the courts discretion to do so. I believe this would bring a rapid end to this litigation. Do I need to include the bit about small claims track as the amount is definitely small claims. Also do I have to list what I am claiming for i.e telephone calls, letters etc as well as unpaid item costs and arrears charges? Any help most appreciated. JULI99 .
  24. Several Months Ago My Circumstances Changed And I Informed The Tax Credit People That I No Longer Needed Tax Credits. The Tax Credits Continued For A Few More Weeks Then Stopped And That Was That As Far As I Was Aware. I Then Recieved From Them A Piece Of Paper With My Ni. Number On And A Piece Of Paper With The Tax Credits Logo On. I also Recieved From Them An Assessment Of What I Was Going To Be Paid. Even Tho All TC'S Had Stopped. Then Last Week I Recieved A Letter Stating I Owe Them £xxxxx. It Says "We Have Already Told You About Your Over Payment" They Hadn't And I Am To Repay This Amount Back By 20th December Or I Could Pay It Back Monthly Over 12 Months. Neither Am I In Any Position To Do. Would A S.a.r. Letter To Them To Find Out How They Calculated This Amount help. Looking More Closely It Appears That It Is The Amount I Would Have Been Paid From When I Asked Them To Stop Paying To 5/4/07 Almost To The Penny. It Is More Than I Have been Paid This Year Anyway. Not Sure How To Proceed Because The Amount Is So Large And There Is Noway I Could Even Afford To Pay It Back Even Cut Into 12 Monthly Installments. Any Help Would Be Most Appreciated.
  25. I'm Thinking Of The Judges Face When They Come Out With Yes The Customer Did Send The Money And Yes We Have Recieved It But We Decided To Proceed With Court Action Anyway.
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