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  1. just looking through the statements now the intrest charges are insane can i not claim those back ? if that were possible it would probably clear the account completly . Its all so confusing if only they would of just frozen the intrest as im happy to make my monthly offer but it was just getting me no where and further into debt iv even looked into signing up with one of these companys that say they will sort it if you pay them monthly. also what do i do while im sorting this because they refused to freeze intrest do i just send them monthly payments of £1 or do i carry on the £10 monthly payment ? thankyou
  2. Thankyou when i do that if they come back with the same response what do i do next if there is anything i can do . thanks again
  3. so i ignored the call and today got a letter saying that they are unable to agree at this time to freeze the charges however they will reveiw it in 6 months time ?? now what do i do ?? iv also managed to get them to post me all statements
  4. Thankyou so much im going to log into the account now see how far back i can go if not then il write to them with the £10 cheque requesting my statements thanks so much
  5. shall i write to them again and request the statements and also say i would like all contact to be through the post ?
  6. nope , can i go online into my account and print them all off ? or do i write to them .Also if i dont call her back will i get into trouble ? sorry i know i probably sound really silly but iv not done this before and its pretty daunting .Now iv got that answer message its worried me to death
  7. i sent the letter and instead of replying by post they have left me an answer message , do i call back or wait to hear from them in writing ? she sounded quite abrubt
  8. Thankyou so much for your help , so do i also cancel the direct debits until i hear back from them ? im happy to pay my monthly payment but at the moment it seems the money im paying is just basically getting eaten up and more charges i will print the letter off first thing and send in thanks again for your help
  9. hello , sorry to bother you i was wondering if someone could please help me . I had a ambrose wilson account while working and always made my payments on time with never a problem , iv since got sick and am unable to work. Iv tried on many occasion to make payment offers and for a long time they were just sending me not very nice letters and would never accept what i could offer. they have since agreed and i have been paying off monthly by direct debit £10 a month BUT they are charging me over £30 a month on charges so im not actually clearing the debt and am getting deeper it is worrying me out of my mind and im at my wits end i want to clear the debt but its never ending with the charges constantly whacked on i would be so very greatful if someone could give me some advice about how i get the charges stopped so i can actually clear this debt Thankyou
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