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  1. To be honest HB i have'nt a clue what sort of pension i was in, all i know is every now and then the pension was frozen and we could'nt pay into it. I got a payment of about £1,600 when i was made redundant, and i dont get a statement, occasionally i get a news letter from Unilever but thats all. They are sending me all my pension information in the post. Thanks.
  2. Hiya, Please can someone give me some advice. I was made redundant in 2007 and got a nice payout and some pension back. At the time i did'nt think the pension was much after paying into it for many many years. I never thought anymore about it until 2 weeks ago. I was talking to an old work mate who i have not seen since we lost our jobs. He was not very happy that he is now getting taxed on his pension from Birds Eye and asked if i was getting taxed aswel. I told him i did'nt get a pension and he was shocked and told me i must get something as i payed into it for years. So i found an old pay slip and rang Unilever, they told me my pension(which i did'nt know i had) was frozen until i reached 55. They are going to send me information of it through the post. The thing is i have just joined the new company pension so is there a way to cash in the Unilever pension???? Thanks very much.
  3. Thanks for all your help, going to check the credit reference thing later ...... Should be interesting !!! I think my plan of action is to deny all knowledge of any debt, get them to send me proof or any paper work they have, then take my time until July 2013 lol on a serious note I want to get this sorted as I can't be done with them ringing me at all hours as its driving me bonkers. If I need any more help or advice can I come back to you guys please, thanks Debbie.
  4. I never discussed any payment plan with Rockwell and I never admitted the debt was ours. He asked me to confirm my name and D.O.B but I asked him for his details and he wouldn't give me them lol I did confirm the last 3 numbers of my phone number though. I only listened to what he had to say and told him I would have to discuss this matter with my hubby much to his dismay . I think there was PPI on the loan but as I am in arrears with the debt I have'nt chased it, that would be just to cheeky lol I am going to do a credit search just to see what it says about the debt and when I last payed it. Do you think it's possible for me to string it out until next July haha
  5. I have never used a credit reference file before, who do you suggest I use please. Thanks for your reply.
  6. Hiya, j ust wondered if someone can give me a bit of advice. My hubby and I took out a loan with Citi Financial in 2003, we made regular payments until our finances hit trouble when I became unemployed. We set up a payment plan but we did default on the plan a few times due to lack of money some months. The last payment of £30 was made on July 11th 2007 soRockwell have informed me and they are now pestering me daily for a settlement or a repayment plan. The debt stands at £5k + and they have offered to reduce the debt to £300.00 as long as I pay it in a lump sum. What I can't understand is that I have not moved house or changed my telephone number so I can't understand why Citi haven't been in touch with me. I know our local branched closed down and it took me a while to track down the right person to talk to at another branch out of town. Nobody ever got back to me so I gave up trying to talk to them. How do I deal with this debt, I was told it might be statued barred but I'm not sure. help would be great guys, thanks a lot Debbie.
  7. Thank you Martin3030, will be getting intouch tomorrow with the HMRC. Hopefully i can sort out a repayment plan for my NI contributions, just need to sort out my tax returns now as i cant afford an accountant lol i have been told it pretty easy. Thanks again, Debbie.
  8. Hiya, I wondered if someone could give me some advice please as I want to look for employment with an employer and become un self employed, if you get my drift. I have been cleaning and ironing for about four and a half years now but my clients have started to dwindle away over the past year, as they are struggling aswel. At the moment I am doing about 9 hours a week but I use to do about 18-20 hour. I work in 2 little villages about 15 miles away from we're i live and at the moment it's costing me loads in petrol as I travel there twice aweek, and I'm left with about £30. It's been that bad that my NI contributions have not been paid for tha last year and I can't even afford to pay my accountant £150 from last year. I feel like I'm in such a mess at the moment and don't know what to do. Any help or advice would be great thanks, Debbie.
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