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Everything posted by jasmine69

  1. I have received a court summons which has option to plead guilty by post. Insurers have said it is better to attend court as more likely to have harsher consequences if you don't. Any thoughts anyone?
  2. Thank you DD. I have been on the other side where I have sat by a family members side, having been told that he might not make it through the night, following an accident and then that he may never walk again. I will have this in my head for a long time and I am glad this person is alive. I am glad my children were not in the car with me at the time. I know you did not say it but pts on my licence or a injured person, prefer to have pts if I am at fault. I asked about insurance because I have not been in this position before, not because I do not care about the other person. Neither do I know how the law system works and want to understand, but that does not mean as a parent I am dismissing how the injured person or his family are feeling. J
  3. I approached a junction slowly where I looked both ways before pulling out, noticed a single light and stopped thinking that the motorbike would swerve out of the way. This would have meant him going on the other side of the road to do so ( no oncoming vehicles) but he went straight into me. He has a broken leg but hopefully nothing else physically at least. My car will prob be written off as cheaper than repairs. This stretch of road(I have since found out) is known as bikers paradise as it is a good stretch of straight road to go fast down, although I cannot prove he was speeding as it all happened so fast. Road was wet and it there was still some v. light snow? The police did ask how far the bike was before I noticed him, at the time i was asked i was standing by the police car so i pointed to an approximate area. I am hoping that they meant the distance in general length, as the police car was further away from where the accident happened, otherwise it will seem like I meant an area which was nearer to the site (e.g. 100m from police car but it could look like 50m from my car when I actually meant 100m from my car). This happened last night so still very upset and shaken but the police did say if I was charged it would be with driving without due care and attention with poss fine and 6 pts. Insurance started to say if I was moving slightly I would be liable but as I had stopped it could be joint liability depending on what police say. Can anyone explain/help me understand better. Also is it def I will be charged and amount of fine as already on CAG debt forum.
  4. Thank you all, will be back!
  5. can creditors ask for bank statements?
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