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  1. sorry should have said it's procedure, is what he did ok?
  2. It;s not as simple as that. Our archive stores was a mess, I re-organised it and got rid of all the junk. Since them someone has used it as a 'junk' storage space. Boss needed something quick, couldn't get in, had a tantrum and decided it my fault as i should have checked it.
  3. Hi everyone looking for advice on what to do I was hauled into a meeting on Friday by my manager and accusations were made, which i responded to. I was advised they would consider my responses and make a decision as to whether i would be dismissed!! I received a letter to this effect yesterday. Checked online and it seems i should have received something in writing etc BEFORE the meeting and also asking if i wanted to be represented, is this correct? If so, what do I do now? Wish I could resign but i cant afford too but how how do i go back to workin with my manager after this, if i am not dismissed? Thanks
  4. Hi All I have had a right saga with a garage and wondered if anyone can help as to what recourse i can take. A few weeks ago the emmisions light came on in my car and I took it to a garage near my work and it was diagnosed with faulty Lamda sensors, which were replaced. Since then the car has been back at the garage 3 times as the emissions light didn't stay off for any period of time. Secondly the garage fitted new brake discs, brake pads and tightened up my hand brake cable last week after i took it in for a brake inspection, they also reset my emissions light at the same time as the fault had appeared again. That night driving home when I went to brake the car juddered quite badly and i ended up right across the road. The next day I took the car to a local garage and it transpired my brakes had binded and there was a 32% imbalance. They also diagnosed a faulty Mass Air Flow sensor, the reason why my emissions light was constantly appearing. I did take it to another garage for a second opinion and the garage gave me almost the same opinion. the brake discs had not been prepared or lubricated prior to fitting and the brake pads had been so tightly fitted into the cradle there was no movement causing them to bind. There was a 32% imbalance recorded, In addition my hand brake had been wrenched so tight that it was recorded as 10% efficiency and consequently binded. Again diagnostics picked up a fault with the Mass Air Flow sensor, which was replaced and appears to have corrected the problem with the rich fuel going to my car and the emissions ...the garage doubts there was anything wrong with my Lamda sensors in the first place! I paid this garage to correct my brakes, it was them that stripped them down and refitted them as the original garage was over 20 miles away and I wasn't confident in their ability to rectify or keen on driving the car that distance with faulty brakes. Can anyone advise what recourse i have please? Thanks in advance. Little Miss
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