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Everything posted by suzzypoo

  1. I have received an email today that I thought was going to be an offer, but it has completely disregarded my complaint and has a statment that says ” Indication of Financial Difficulties: In your recent complaint you suggested that you were experiencing financial difficulties and we should not have lent to you. As such we have considered your position at the time and have found no evidence that you: continued to borrow over an extended period of time, took out a further loan immediately after repayment, borrowed high loan amounts when compared to your stated income. We are not aware of any other factors that indicated affordability. ” I dont even feel they have looked at my statements because this completely contradicts everything my statements show. I have sent an email to the FOS but have also replied to Wonga in a hope that they may look at it again.
  2. This probably gets asked a lot but I wondered if anyone could tell me how long we are likely too be waiting. I phoned them this morning and was told that they had already received the tribunal decision and that a decision maker needed to look at it and they would send out a form. I dont understand what the point is going through the stress of a tribunal is for if they are going to look at it again ? How long is it likely to take ? With 4 children and christmas just over 6 weeks away I really could do with the money right now.
  3. Hi I wondered if anyone could help please. I won my sons DLA Appeal tribunal on Tuesday and ive phoned tax credits to notify them because I was receiving a disability premium before his DLA was stopped last time. I have been told that it will be backdated but I wondered if someone could tell me how long it usually takes ? thanks
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