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Everything posted by Joannebrown1982

  1. Thank you very much. No one happens to know the account details to pay into please?
  2. Hi, I have been trying for months to arrange a payment plan with Quick Quid but they keep ignoring my e-mails to them. Out of my 4 pdl's I have managed to arrange payments plans with Lending Stream and in negoiations with Wonga, Payday Express are also ignoring my pleas. I received a default notice off Quick Quid at the weekend, and keep getting emails telling me I have to pay in full immediately. I keep reponding to the e-mails but the are ignored. I have also read that they only do payment plans over 4 months, which I can not afford. I can't even afford 6 months as that would be £95 per month. I really don't know what to do. I am wondering if I should just start paying it off and see what happens?Has somebody please got their account details so I can make some payments?Thanks
  3. They have replied and I think I finally have agreed a payment plan with them. They haven't mentioned the payslipn again so I'm hoping they won't! I have payment plans now set up for Wonga and Lending Stream. Payday Express and Quick Quid are proving the hardest to get any help from at the moment.
  4. Hi, I am currently having the same trouble with payday express at the moment. I have been contacting them via e-mail to try and arrange a payment plan but they don't want to know really. I also lied on my application and they said it was my fault, and now I am in breech of contract. They are informing me that they can only give a payment plan under the following criteria: Significant Loss of income· Unexpected change in personal circumstance, e.g. Long term sickness· Severe Disability or illness (including close family members)· Terminal illness or Mental illness (including close family members)· Deceased (including close family members)· Redundancy or Reduced hours (contractual hours reduced by company) All or any of the above may require documented evidence, i.e. · If you are now unemployed or in receipt of financial support, please provide proof of unemployment or redundancy. If your contractual hours have been reduced by your employer, please provide a letter from your employer on company headed paper to confirm this. · If your circumstances have changed due to personal illness, please provide a copy of a doctor’s note or hospital letter.You need to change your bank account details or they will keep trying to get the money from your account and will take anything that is in there.
  5. Hi,I have been in contact with Lending Stream trying to sort a payment plan out and they have asked for a copy of my pay slip - do I have to provide them with this does anybody know please? Really don't want to pass it onto them if I can help it.Also, payday express have said I can only arrange a payment plan if I come under the following criteria:Significant Loss of income· Unexpected change in personal circumstance, e.g. Long term sickness· Severe Disability or illness (including close family members)· Terminal illness or Mental illness (including close family members)· Deceased (including close family members)· Redundancy or Reduced hours (contractual hours reduced by company) All or any of the above may require documented evidence, i.e. · If you are now unemployed or in receipt of financial support, please provide proof of unemployment or redundancy. If your contractual hours have been reduced by your employer, please provide a letter from your employer on company headed paper to confirm this. · If your circumstances have changed due to personal illness, please provide a copy of a doctor’s note or hospital letter.As none of these apply to me - I just got too many PDL's and are unable to pay them off without getting myself further in - does this mean they won't help me set up a payment plan? As this is my lowest PDL of the lot, I am less worried about them but I have learnt that their interest will be ridiculous and of course they will keep adding it on.Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks x
  6. Thats fantastic - thankyou so much. My first e-mail is winging its way to them as we speak! Can I make that payment at any bank then do you know please?
  7. Thats great advice thank you so much. Does anybody happen to have a valid email address for lending stream? If not, I will await the next letter and post a letter to them requesting the bank information. Much appreciated
  8. Thanks for that, that makes me feel a whole lot better. So basically it sounds like they are doing scare tactics.I have already changed my bank account and reported by other card as lost so got a new one as owe an overdraft on that account, been checking online banking and thankfully nothing has been took out. Changed my bank account straight away as didn't want to leave anything to chance.
  9. Hi, I have currently 4 outstanding PDLoans with various companies, I have stopped paying them, changed my back account etc. Am currently in the process of trying to set up payment arrangements with the companies without much success at the moment. One company in particular Lending Stream is very hard to get hold of via e-mail and are ignoring any contact I make. I got home yesterday to a letter informing me of a default notice and that if I don't pay in 14 days they will go further to get the full amount off me i.e. take me to court. I telephoned them and got a woman I could barely understand all she was interested in was whether I could pay the full amount off, I said no, I am wanting to make an arrangement with them as I can't pay the balance and won't be able to pay that sort of money within the next 14 days or even within a couple of months. She tried to put me through to someone else without much luck and said someone would phone me back today - which they haven't. They have informed me that they will keep adding interest until this is paid. I am worried that they are going to take me to court and I will get even more added on to the loan and I will never be able to pay it off. Although I work, I am a lone parent and have very little left over at the end of the month as it is. I have tried e-mailing them again this morning, only for the e-mail to bounce back as undelivered. I don't know what to do, am worried also incase baliffs come round. I really don't want to phone them back as I would rather they e-mail me as I want everything in writing and hate going to the phone to them as they are awful!
  10. Thanks for the reassurance. Just want rid of them, its doing my head in. I was thinking about the 'breech of contract' thing and I thought, well its not my fault they didn't check it up. Surely they shouldn't be dishing loans out willy nilly! Decided to gradually decrease my overdraft and get that paid off, will just put money in every month then go on line and reduce it straight away. Going to try and stop thinking about these stupid PDL companies, at the end of the day I can only pay what I can pay, whats the worst that can happen?
  11. My bank normally doesn't allow me to go over my overdraft, it puts a stop to it. I ahve just sent QQ an e-mail asking to arrange a payment plan and revoking payment from my account. I need to do the same with Wonga as both are due to be paid on Wednesday. I have tried to make a payment plan with payday express but they informed me I can't as I have breeched my contract as lied about my monthly wage etc. I have sent them numerous e-mails but no response, however they keep sending me texts saying I haven't been in touch. I am thinking about speaking to to he bank and closing the whole account down and arranging to pay off my overdraft on a monthly basis, but I'm not sure if this will be allowed? Does anybody know? These companies are an absolute nightmare, I am terrified incase people start coming knocking at my door and also if they put that much interest on them I will never be able to pay the off
  12. Just wanted to say hi, looked round a couple of times before joining up, so handy to have a website that gives free advice on anything
  13. I have no money going into the account and up to limit of overdraft so they can't take anything
  14. I have phoned express to be told that I have breeched contract (saying I worked full time when i actually work part time) so they cannot arrange a payment plan. I told them I would try and make payment at the end of the month but need an alternative method and they just ignored my request. And said bye as if that was it they told me I would incur charges and thats their final say on the matter. Not very nice people
  15. Need some urgent help and advice. I've got myself into the situation that I have noticed a lot of people have. Its reassuring to know I am not alone, however I need to try and contact the companies to try and arrange a payment plan and am not sure how what to write etc to them. I would prefer to e-mail them as I hate speaking on the phone. I currently owe Wonga £1200, quick quid £500, express £120 and £260 to lending stream. Express was due the other day and although I have e-mailed them 3 times trying to explain my situation I have had no reply, but they keep texting me telling me I haven't contacted them. Wonga & Quick Quid are due 14.11.12 and Lending stream due 30.11.12. I have changed my bank account, but also need to keep my old bank account open due to an overdraft that requires paying but I have changed my card details so they are unable to take any money out of there. I am pertrified that balliffs etc will start calling at my house and want to make a payment plan with them so I can just get on with paying it and they will leave me alone rather than avoiding phone calls all the time. Some advice/templates to send etc will be a great help. Thanks
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